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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
I do remember it being simpler than this.  There is the old thing 
about stuff can be before or after the REBOL script where it is embedded 
into things, and REBOL can find it and run it.  Maybe it was REBOL 
scripts embedded in .html that way...at the time I saw the scripts 
I thought it was cool, but I think it was simpler than RSP
I want Joe the Plumber to be a home rebol.  REBOL is one step away 
from allowing normal people access.  This hit me when I was showing 
how easy REBOL was to a construction boss.  How they could be masters 
of their own domain.  They lit up like a christmas tree.  A few days 
later a $10,000.00 entry caused one of their little scripts to fail. 
 The lights went out, and instead of embracing becoming a home business 
script writer, they felt stupid, and when I tried to reexplain the 
use of tick versus comma, they just got pissed off and will never 
be budding REBOL home users. 

All of us here could handle 001101010110110110110110010101 and eventually 
get the machine to do what we want.  I'm aiming to open our favourite 
little engine so grandma could use it to write grocery lists and 
then little VID charts etc, etc.   If we keep that to ourselves, 
well, IMHO, REBOL will wallow in the usage numbers counted in hundreds 
not millions as I believe it could.

I could be wrong, but REBOL is too close to being usable by non-programmers 
to let this slip by without at least griping once every 2 months 
or so.  :)

In my little warped world, the REBOL console could be the home users 
"application framework".  Every inch closer to common text usage 
could add an untold number of people by making them feel enabled. 
 Less geek, more people.   Again, I'll admit, I could be wrong; maybe 
the art of scripting will always be for nerds.
Well, technically the design does allow for more international usage; 
and that IS a good thing, but North Americans use commas.  I'll quiet 
down after this post and then repost to the issue in a few months. 
 I don't know really, but I feel a few small incremental changes 
could open up the field to more people not inclined to be programmers.

On a grander scale, for linguistics work ala Icon's power, being 
able to LOAD %somerandompoem.txt  and not worry about syntax errors 
could open up a whole new domain for REBOL.  That would require a 
junk! datatype, and sure there will be issues with correctness, but 
let the english majors worry about those.  Today they won't even 
bother to start, so there are no issues of correctness as there are 
no scripts.   But imagine some English professor or a theologist; 
LOAD %kingjames.txt and then using REBOL to do statistical analysis, 
right at the console.  A report could count how much non-REBOL data 
was in the books along with counting the times 'Moses was mentioned 
in 2 or 3 simple lines of code.

I'll stop dreaming now (for a awhile) and get back to the task of 
being a nerd.  S'alright.  ;)
There are a ot of things that should be done but aren't.  All the 
librarians can do is track the various sites and attempt to mirror 
the scripts.  We have lost whole sites in the past ...
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
PREBOL set aside, I really think IMPORT/CHECK is the common case 
and one of the main advantages over a simple DO - preventing circular 
imports and such. I would be deeply surprised if Carl opts for INCLUDE 
(or #INCLUDE or whatever it will be) not having that check functionality 
in the standard case, switched off by a refinement. But that's just 
me and I certainly don't have any extensive build scripts ...
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
I do it all the time to optimize my scripts these days
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Geomol, let me see what I can do myself first. I like to know what 
is happening in my scripts.
Because I'm writing scripts on more than one computer I need to sync 
files somehow. I can use flashdisk for synchronization, but USB is 
not always available or I forget my flashdisk at home, so it's not 
always the right option.

Or I can use ftp to upload and download files. But at the end I've 
got lots of different directories with different versions, because 
I have no intelligent file structure.

I was inspired by Google filesystems for win and lin so I decided 
to use some freemail (gmail preferably) for my scripts maintaing. 
Unfortunatly, Gmail needs some authentication, SSL or what and SSL 
under Rebol needs Command and Command needs 350$ to buy.

So I found another freemail provider that offers both non-authenticated 
SMPT and POP and therefore is OK for REBOL (btw. remeber the old 
REBOL example? send [luke-:-rebol-:-com] read http://www.rebol.com? Hard 
to do with all the authetications required today.) and I started 

The result is a small application called %rspace.r that can upload 
file to repository, download newest version from repository, or you 
can get list of all files in repository and finally, if you're happy 
with your script, you can publish it on www/ftp. All this with documentation 
in less than 6kB.

All you need is REBOL and mail account cappable of SMTP/POP without 
authentication. It's good to have an FTP account for publishing files 
but that's not required. If you do not have an mail account, I've 
set up one on seznam.cz, user 'rebolspace' and pass 'spacerebol' 
for testing this application (it's built in, so you can start testing 
right after download).

Remember, it's just alpha, does not have many features, but it works, 
I can write something here, update it there and have all the versions 
accesible from everywhere. It's written for REBOL scripts so with 
big projects it's going to be very slow and unusable, but for small 
project (and most REBOL scripts are really small) it's probably good.

So download it form http://krutek.info/rebol/rspace.r(stable) or 
http://rebolspace.sweb.cz/rspace.r(latest published version). 

WARNING: because [rebolspace-:-seznam-:-cz] is open account it won't be 
wise to use it ordinarily. Please, if you like it, set up your own 
account and use it instead of built-in one.
And remember: all suggestions and fixes are welcome.
Ladislav - one more - can you imagine subinterpreter? e.g. you have 
kind of rebol interpreter master server in your school, then you 
have students, global context gets cloned for them and all they do 
they can do like in normal rebol, just that their scripts are executed 
in subcontext :-) hmm, maybe it would be easier to launch new interpreter 
for them anyway ... :-)
That is what I do .. my scripts up a listen port, and if they can't, 
they know an instance is already up and running.
According to Gabriele, REBOL never frees memory -- ie never hands 
it back to the operating system.

That means (I think) freed / garbage collected memory is kept in 
REBOL's grasp for reallocation, so subsequent allocations are faster 
than ones that need to go to the opsys. But the memory footprint 
of an application can be higher than you'd expect -- especially (say) 
if you do a lot of memory intesmive work at start up: that memory 
will stay allocated to REBOL throughout the life of the application.

One way to avoid that may be to use CALL to run parts of the application 
under another process. Or perhaps use a webserver and split the app 
into several non FastCGI scripts.

I've no idea if R3 does allow for opsys memory handback. It would 
be a useful option to have:
I guess, the confusion come from back, when the term "script writer" 
popped up first, in the '70 or earlier. Script writers were the ones, 
who wrote scripts (e.g. shell scripts), which were typically small 
pieces of code to be run in the shell on large computers (mainframes). 
Those scripts did operating system maintenance and called programs. 
Programs were written in languages as C, COBOL, etc.. So you had 
a clear distinguish between a script writer and a programmer. What 
we do today with REBOL is more often the programmers job (I think), 
even if it's called a script language.
Graham;  To quickly get all the colours, try
rebol []

do-thru http://www.rebol.org/library/scripts/capture.rcapture on 
help tuple! capture off
colors: copy []
parse to block! find get-captured newline [
    some [set col word! (append colors col) word! tuple!]

;; This will fail, no context
print disarm try [get first colors]
;; Now bind the words to the REBOL context
bind colors 'red  print get first colors
While doing a google search on "Rebol AS400"  I came across this 
entry dated Nov 19th 1999: 

One of the best aspects of REBOL is that it is supported on over 
35 platforms, with support for 50 or more platforms expected by the 
end of the year. One of those platforms, fortunately, is the AS/400...With 
the strength of REBOL’s cross-platform support, REBOL scripts will 
run exactly the same way on the AS/400 as they do on any other platform, 
so you can start REBOL programming before the final release of the 
AS/400 version...

--Chuck Lundgren

I work on an AS/400 and would like to get more info on this ability. 
 Anyone know of any updated info for Rebol and AS/400?
ah yes, but it doesn't work if you 'do other scripts inside that 
script. I guess I'll figure out some other method.
Or is the script creating some functiona and objects and returning 
so the caller can use them, then being reloaded by the caller to 
do this all over again? I wrote a server application in 2000 that 
acted that way, with scripts migrating the data from the previous 
incarnation still in memory.
Diss'ing IDE's might alienate some Smalltalk folk.  I cannot imagine 
maintaining an application suite such as I deal with everyday without 
an IDE.  I just wish it was not eclipse ...  Of course only wimps 
used a Disk Operating System and real men code in machine codes only 
... and real pro's dictated their SNOBOL punch cards to lovely assistants 
...  and ANT scripts are for sissies.  Some must have ridiculed Tcl, 
Expect and TK in their day ... but if my IDE can facilitate my efforts 
to systematically (key word there) shrirnk company''s codebase as 
it becomes more reliable with better test coverage then maybe a refactoring 
browser would be a good tool after all.  Even better if it is an 
integrated part of the IDE, as in Dolphin Smalltalk or Squeak Smalltalk 
or Smalltalk/X or Cincom Visual Smalltalk.  Not that I couldn't survive 
on grep and diff's.  But once the codebase is too large for any one 
person to author or maintain on their lonesome, a tool that remebers 
what you did last and where can be a god-send.  If you want to know 
hell without an IDE join an actuarial department working in APL. 
 There you don't even know if they have talent: you just hope most 
of it works as each quarter rolls around and try to survive year-end. 
 But you know they're smart, cuz after all, they're actuaries - and 
look at all that APL code in all those files ... of course a few 
of them look back wistfully at their student days in C with Borland's 
decent IDE.  REBOL [
    File: %vid-usage.r
    Date: 09-Jan-2004   
    Title: "VID Usage"
    Purpose: "VID Usage Tutorial with Runnable Examples"
    Version: 1.2.1
    Author: "Cybarite"
    Edits: RobertS
    Source: {
        Based on %easy-vid.r by Carl Sassenrath.

        Clips from various sites including email that are attributed in the 
    library: [
        level: 'intermediate
        platform: 'all
        type: [tutorial]
        domain: [gui]
        tested-under: [view on W2K]
        support: none
        license: none
        see-also: none
flash "Fetching image..."
read-thru/to http://www.rebol.com/view/demos/palms.jpg%palms.jpg

read-thru/to http://www.rebol.com/graphics/reb-logo.gif%rebo-logo.gif
read-thru/to http://www.rebol.com/view/bay.jpg%bay.jpg
pic: %palms.jpg

customer: make object! [  ; this sets a default customer object in 
case the user does not push the samples in order
        name: "Rosetta Stone"
        date-of-birth: 14-March-1959        

stylize/master [text-note: txt maroon bold]         ; this sets a 
default for users who run the samples out of order
; polished is an image that is embedded in this script file
; so that no outside files need to be loaded.
; This technique is used in many of the REBOL samples

polished: load #{      
content: {VID Usage - REBOL Visual Interfaces



* Fixed oddity with last item on stylesheets which was locking up 
some versions of VIEW


* Fixed slider initialize. 

* Focus section was not parsed out. --- fixed

* Fixed some text errors for the parsing of ===


* Revived vid-usage.r 

* added more examples from the script library

* manage source as vid-usage.leo an outliner file


Added supply examples. See:


!List With Supplied Data

!Supply List With Scroll


!Add Subpanel example ported by Anton


---Work In Progress

This is a work in progress. Whether the progress will continue depends 
on the feedback.

---All Rights Reserved

The work is based on the documentation of REBOL View provided by 
REBOL Technology and its mailing list.

All rights to this documentation remain the property of REBOL Technology.

---Plagiarized Examples

Things are shamelessly plagiarized.  There are many experts on the 
mailing list whose work is included here; most notably the examples 
from the REBOL documentation.


The approach that this document uses is to use REBOL/View/VID to 
demonstrate its abilities and give a visual tutorial. To enable this 
some changes have been made to the core %easyvid.r program from Carl 
Sassenrath. A scoll bar was added to the right pane because it was 
just too difficult to constrain the examples to the screen real estate 
that was available.

---Order Order

The order of the items needs some work. The easyvid presentation 
approach today does not allow for the drilling down and expansion 
of an outline tree which is needed for a large amount of documentation.

The preferred approach is to put a multi-level tree for navigation 
purposes and then allow navigation up and down the tree. 

===To Do

* make this a true outline tree

* re-organize it better

* update as requested and as possible by suggestions on AltME's REBOL 
world under group EasyVID

* correct numerous flaws

* better scrolling implementation using the updates that have been 
used in other examples such as Didier's %delete-email.r

* allow clipping to clipboard like AltME does on a row for the source 

===Introduction to VID

With REBOL/View it's easy and quick to create your own user
interfaces. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you the
basic concepts or REBOL/View interfaces in about 20 minutes.

VID is REBOL's Visual Interface Dialect.  A dialect is an
extension of the REBOL language that makes it easier to express
or describe information, actions, or interfaces.  VID is a
dialect that provides a powerful method of describing user

VID is simple to learn and provides a smooth learning curve from
basic user interfaces to sophisticated distributed computing

---Creating VID Interfaces

VID interfaces are written in plain text. You can use any text
editor to create and edit your VID script. Save your script
as a text file, and run it with REBOL/View.

!Note: Using a word processor like Word or Wordpad is not
recommended because files are not normally saved as text.
If you use a word processor, be sure to save the output
file as text, not as a document (.doc) file.

Recommendation: Look at TextPad from http://www.textpad.com

===Minimal VID Example

Here is a minimal VID example.  It creates a window that
displays a short text message.  Only one line of code
is required:

    view layout [text "Hello REBOL World!"]

You can type this line at the REBOL console prompt, or save
it in a text file and run it with REBOL.  If you save it
as a file, the script will also need a REBOL header. The
header tells REBOL that the file contains a script. Here
is an example of the script file with a header:

    REBOL [Title: "Example VID Script"]

    view layout [text "VID Example!"]

You can also add buttons and other gadgets to the script. The
example below displays a text, list of files, and a button:

    view layout [
        h2 "File List:"
        text-list data read %.
        button "Great!"

!Click on the examples above to see how they will appear on your
screen.  Click on their close box to remove them.  All of the
examples that follow can be viewed this way.

===Window Management

The code that displays the examples also shows how to manage the 
number of windows that are open.

Look at the show-example block in the code near the end of this script.

The location of the example window is also managed here by keeping 
track of the co-ordinates for the sample. After the sample window 
is moved, the next use will open at the same location.

===Pre-loaded Images

For this script, the image which represented a Portable Network Graphic
definition of an image is held in the script and loaded.

For a small number of graphics, this can achieve some packaging and
performance benefits.

The image "polished" is used through the script to achieve the polished 
look that is one the outer frame.

    backtile polished orange
    button 200x50 "Polished Steel Look" polished 

===Two Basic Functions

Two functions are used to create graphical user interfaces

The LAYOUT function creates a set of graphical objects.  These
objects are called faces.  You describe faces with words and

values that are put into a block and passed to the LAYOUT function.

The VIEW function displays faces that were previously created by
LAYOUT. The example below shows how the result of
the LAYOUT function is passed to the VIEW function, and the
interface is displayed.

    view layout [
        text "Layout passes its result to View for display."
        button "Ok"

Click on the above example to view it.

!Note: the block provided to a layout is not normal REBOL code,
it is a dialect of REBOL.  Using a dialect makes it much easier
to express user interfaces.


Styles describe faces.  The examples above use the text and
button styles to specify a text line and a button. REBOL has
40 predefined face styles. You can also create your own custom
styles.  Here are a few example styles:

    view layout [
        h1 "Style Examples"
        box brick 240x2
        vtext bold "There are 40 styles built into REBOL."
        button "Great"
        toggle "Press" "Down"
        rotary "Click" "Several" "Times"
        choice "Choose" "Multiple" "Items"
        text-list 120x80 "this is" "a list" "of text"
        radio radio
        field "Text Entry"

The words like backdrop, banner, box, text, and button are styles.


Facets let you modify a style.  For instance, you can change the
color, size, text, font, image, edge, background, special
effects, and many other facets of a style.

Facets follow the style name.  Here is an example that shows
how you modify the text style to be bold and navy blue:

    view layout [txt bold navy "Facets are easy to use."]

The words bold and navy are not styles.  They are facets that
modify a style. Facets can appear in any order so you don't
have to remember which goes first.  For example, the line
above could be written as:

    view layout [txt "Facets are easy to use." navy bold]

Many facets that can be specified.  Here is an example that
creates bold red text centered in a black box.

    view layout [txt 300 bold red black center "Red Text"]

You can create facets that produce special effects, such
as a gradient colored backdrop behind the text:

    view layout [
        vtext bold "Wild Thing" effect [gradient 200.0.0 0.0.200]

===Custom Styles

Custom styles are shortcuts that save time.  When you define a
custom style, the facets you need go into the new style.  This
reduces what you need to specify each time you use the style,
and it allows you to modify the look of your interface by
changing the style definitions.

For example, here is a layout that defines a style for red
buttons.  The style word defines the new style, followed by
the old style name and its facets.

    view layout [
        style red-btn button red
        text "Testing red button style:"
        red-btn "Test"
        red-btn "Red"

So, if you wanted to create a text style for big, bold,
underlined, yellow, typewriter text:

    view layout [
        style yell tt 220 bold underline yellow font-size 16
        yell "Hello"
        yell "This is big old text."
        yell "Goodbye"

===Master Stylesheet 

REBOL holds its styles in a master stylesheet. When you are
sure that you want to share them without having to add the
style sheet line then do it as follows:

First add the style to the master sheet:

    button 200x50 "Define text-note as maroon bold text" [stylize/master 
        text-note: txt maroon bold      

    button 200x50 "Define text-note as white italic text" [stylize/master 
        text-note: txt white italic     

Then invoke it:

    view layout [
        size 200x200

        return text-note "This shows a master stylesheet style in use." 

        return text-note "This shows another usage of the same style."

        return text-note "If you want to see the other style displayed, click 
        the Add Style section again and then use the other button"
===Note About Examples

!From this point forward, all examples will assume that
the view and layout functions are provided.  Only the layout
block contents will be shown.  To use these examples in your
scripts, you will need to put them in a layout block, as was
shown earlier.

For example, code that is written as:

    view layout [button red "Test it"]

will now appear as:

    button red "Test it"

===Face Sizes

The size of a face depends on its style.  Most styles, such as
buttons, toggles, boxes, checks, text-lists, and fields, have a
convenient default size.  Here are some examples.

    button "Button"
    toggle "Toggle"
    box blue

If no size is given, text will automatically compute its size,
and images will use whatever their source size is:

    text "Short text line"
    text "This is a much longer line of text than that above."
    image %palms.jpg

You can change the size of any face by providing a size facet.
The size can be an integer or a pair.  An integer specifies
the width of the face.  A pair specifies both width and height.
Images will be stretched to fit the size.

    button 200 "Big Button"
    button 200x100 "Huge Button"
    image %palms.jpg 50x50
    image %palms.jpg 150x50

===Color Facets

Most styles have a default color.  For example the body of
buttons will default to a teal color.  To modify the color of
a face, provide a color facet:

    button blue "Blue Button"
    h2 red "Red Heading"
    image %palms.jpg orange

Colors can also be specifed as tuples. Each tuple contains three
numbers: the red, green, and blue components of the color. Each
component can range from 0 to 255. For example:

    button 200.0.200 "Red + Blue = Magenta" 200
    image %palms.jpg 0.200.200 "Green + Blue"

Some face styles also allow more than one color.  The effect of
the color depends on the style.  For text styles the first color
will be used for the text and the second color for the background
of the text:

    txt "Yellow on red background" yellow red
    banner "White on Navy Blue" white navy

For other styles, the body of the face is the first color, and
the second color will be used as its alternate.

    button "Multicolor" olive red
    toggle "Multicolor" blue orange
===Layout Commands

To drop user interface elements on the canvas according to VIDs 
directional layout controls 


You are placing elements in a row orientation
    return button "A" button "B" button "C"
    return button "D" button "E" button "F"


You are placing elements in a column orientation

    return button "A" button "B" button "C"
    return button "D" button "E" button "F"


You can mix the directional controls 

    return button "A" button "B" 
    below button "C" 
    across button "D" button "E" button "F"


The pad keyword creates extra padding between styles. It uses a pair 
or integer value. When it is an integer, spacing is created either 
horizontally (across) or vertically (below). When it is a pair, the 
spacing will be created both horizontal and vertically. The following 
example illustrates both uses. First, the buttons "one" and "two" 
are padded with an integer representing 40 pixels in one direction. 
Then the buttons "three" and "four" are padded with a pair representing 
40x40 pixels. 

    button "one" pad 40 button "two" return 
    button "three" pad 40x40 button "four" 

Padding can be negative.
        backtile polished orange
        pad 200x200 button "A"
        pad -100x-100 button "B"

A guide is a virtual alignment control

      title "Buttons Without A Guide" 
    button "one"   button "two"  return 
    button "three" button "four" return 
    button" five" button "six" 

With an implicit guide location

    title "Buttons With An Implicit Guide Location" 
    button "one"   button "two"  return 
    button "three" button "four" return 
    button" five" button "six" 

With an explicit guide location

    across title "Buttons With An Explicit Guide Location"
    guide 55x100 
    button "one"   button "two"  return 
    button "three" button "four" return 
    button" five" button "six" 

Tabs can be used for alignment.


    tabs 200 ; sets tabs every 200 pixels   
    across button 20 "A" tab button 20 "B" tab button 20 "C" 
    tabs 100 ; sets tabs every 100 pixels   
    return button 20 "D" tab button 20 "E" tab button 20 "F"

    tabs 200 ; sets tabs every 200 pixels   
    below button 20 "A" tab button 20 "B" tab button 20 "C" 
    tabs 100 ; sets tabs every 100 pixels   
    return button 20 "D" tab button 20 "E" tab button 20 "F"

---Explicit Settings

Tabstops can be set at explicit values 

    tabs [100 124  166 212 300]

    across tab button 20 "A" tab button 20 "B" tab button 20 "C" tab 
    button 20 "D"
===Color Facets

Most styles have a default color.  For example the body of
buttons will default to a teal color.  To modify the color of
a face, provide a color facet:

    button 200 blue "Blue Button"
    h2 red "Red Heading"
    image polished orange

Colors can also be specifed as tuples. Each tuple contains three
numbers: the red, green, and blue components of the color. Each
component can range from 0 to 255. For example:

    button 200.0.200 "Red + Blue = Magenta" 200
    image polished 0.200.200 "Green + Blue"

Some face styles also allow more than one color.  The effect of the 
color depends on the style.  For text styles the first color will 
be used for the text and the second color for the background of the 

    txt "Yellow on red background" yellow red
    title "White on Navy Blue" white navy

For other styles, the body of the face is the first color, and the 
second color will be used as its alternate.

    button 200 "Multicolor" olive red
    toggle 200 "Multicolor" blue orange

From the mailing list, there was a problem reported in changing button 

    view layout [
        b: button "New color" [
            b/color: random 255.255.255 
            show b

And the answer was that the gradient of the color was preventing 
this change from working:

    style color-changing-button button 0.0.0        ; new style overwrites 
    gradient effect
    b: color-changing-button "New color" [
        b/color: random 255.255.255 
        show b

===Text Facets

Most faces will accept text to be displayed.  Even graphical faces 
can display text.  For example, the box and image faces will display 
text if it is provided:

    box blue "Box Face"
    image polished "Image Face"

Most button faces will accept more than one text string. The strings 
will be shown as alternates as the face is selected.

    button 200 "Up" "Down"
    toggle 200 "Off" "On"
    rotary 200 "Red" "Green" "Blue" "Yellow"
    choice 200 "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"

    text-list 200 "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"

When other datatypes need to be displayed as text, use the form function 
to convert them first:

    button 250 form now
    field form first read %.
===Normal Text Style

Normal text is light on dark and can include a number of facets to 
set the font, style, color, shadow, spacing, tabbing, and other attributes.

    text "Normal"
    text "Bold" bold
    text "Italic" italic
    text "Underline" underline
    text "Bold italic underline" bold italic underline
    text "Big" font-size 32
    text "Serif style text" font-name font-serif
    text "Spaced text" font [space: 5x0]

Text also includes these predefined styles:

    title "Title" 200
    vh1 "vh1"
    vh2 "vh2"
    vh3 "vh3"
    vh4 "vh4"
    label "Label"
===Document Text Style

Document text is dark on light and can also include a number of facets 
to set the font, style, color, shadow, spacing, tabbing, and other 

    txt "Normal"
    txt "Bold" bold
    txt "Italic" italic
    txt "Underline" underline
    txt "Bold italic underline" bold italic underline
    txt "Big" font-size 32
    txt "Serif style text" font-name font-serif
    txt "Spaced text" font [space: 5x0]

Document text also includes these predefined styles:

    title "Centered title" 200
    h1 "Heading 1"
    h2 "Heading 2"
    h3 "Heading 3"
    h4 "Heading 4"
    tt "Typewriter text"
===Text Entry Fields

Text input fields accept text until the enter or tab key is pressed. 
 A text input field can be created with:


To make the field larger or smaller, provide a width:

    field 30
    field 300

Fields will scroll when necessary.

Larger amounts of text can be entered in an area.  Areas also accept 
an enter key and will break lines.


You can also specify the area size:

    area 160x200

To force the text in an area to wrap rather than scroll horizontally, 
provide the wrap option:

    area wrap
===Text Setting

To set the value of a text field under program control, use /text: 

    across backtile polished
    return t1: txt      200 "This is some original text"
    return f1: field    200 "Some field text"   
    return a1: area  {Some original area text.} wrap 200x80
    return button 200 "Change Text" [
        t1/text: "Some different text" 
        f1/text: "Some new field text"

        a1/text: {Some wrapping text in the^/ area field to^/ show that this^/ 
        is supported}
        show [t1 f1 a1]
===Text Lists

Text lists are easy to create.  Here is an example.

    text-list "Eureka" "Ukiah" "Mendocino"

You can also provide it as a block:

    text-list data ["Eureka" "Ukiah" "Mendocino"]

Almost any type of block can be provided. Here is a list of all the 
files in your current directory:

    text-list data read %.

Here is a list of all the words REBOL has scanned:

    text-list data first system/words
===Scrolling Text List

A style to allow maintenance of lists from Brett Handley on the REBOL 

        style updatable-text-list text-list
        with [
            update-slider: does [
                sld/redrag lc / max 1 length? head lines

        tl: updatable-text-list 300x100 data copy system/locale/months
        button  300x20 "Delete first entry on the list" [
            remove tl/data tl/update-slider show tl
        button 300x20 "Append the 'now' timestamp to list" [
            append tl/data mold now tl/update-slider show tl
===Text List Picked Values

    list-of-letters: text-list "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" 
    button 200  "Pick Item 3" [
        clear list-of-letters/picked 

        append list-of-letters/picked pick list-of-letters/data 3 
        show list-of-letters

By default an image will be scaled to fit within a face.

    image 60x60 polished
    image polished red

Images can be framed in a number of ways:

    image 100x100 polished frame blue 5x5
    image 100x100 polished bevel
    image 100x100 polished ibevel 6x6

Most other faces can accept an image as well as text:

    box 100x100 polished
    button "Button" polished purple
    toggle "Toggle" polished blue red
    field bold  "This is a field." polished effect [emboss tile]

    field bold "This is another field." polished effect [brighten 100]

The image can be provided as a filename, URL, or image data.


A backdrop can be a color, an effect, an image, or a combination
of the three.  For example a backdrop color would be written as:

    backdrop navy
    title "Color Backdrop" gold

To create a backdrop effect provide it on the line:

    backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 0.0.100 100.0.0]
    title "Gradient Backdrop" gold

A backdrop image can be a file, URL, or image data:

    backdrop polished
    title "Image Backdrop" red

The backdrop image can be colorized:

    size 400x500 
    backdrop polished blue
    title "Blue Image Backdrop"

The image can include an effect:

    backdrop polished effect [fit gradcol 1x1 100.0.0 0.0.250]
    title "Gradient Image Backdrop"

To make a backdrop use a tile effect there are two options:

    backdrop polished effect [tile]
    banner "This shows a backdrop with a tile effect"

    backtile polished
    banner "This demonstrates backtile"

Note the difference between:

    size 400x500 
    backdrop polished
    banner "Here one image is stretched to cover the canvas"


    size 400x500 
    backtile polished
    banner "Here one image is repeated to cover the canvas"
===Effect Facets

A range of effects are supported for faces.  All of these effects 
are performed directly on the face when it is rendered. Here are 
examples of a few possible effects in top to bottom then left to 
right order:

    style polished-steel image 80x60 polished 
    polished-steel effect [flip 1x1]
    polished-steel effect [rotate 90]
    polished-steel effect [reflect 1x1]
    polished-steel effect [crop 0x50 120x60 fit]
    polished-steel effect [grayscale]
    polished-steel effect [invert]
    polished-steel effect [difference 200.0.0]
    polished-steel effect [tint 80]
    polished-steel effect [contrast 50]
    polished-steel effect [brighten 50]
    polished-steel effect [sharpen]
    polished-steel effect [blur]
    polished-steel effect [colorize 204.0.0]
    polished-steel effect [gradcol 1x1 150.0.0 0.0.150]
    polished-steel effect [gradmul 0x1 0.100.0]
    polished-steel effect [grayscale emboss]

Effects can be used in combination to create other interesting results. 
 However, keep in mind that the computations are performed in real 
time.  If complex combinations are required, a temporary image should 
be created with the to-image function.


An action can be associated with almost any face. To do so, follow 
the face style with a block:

    button "Test" [alert "test"]

The block is used as the body of a function that is passed the face 
and the current value (if the face has one).  For example:

    toggle "Toggle" [alert form value] 
    rotary "A" "B" "C" [alert form value]
    text "Click Here" [alert  face/text]

If a second block is provide, it is used for the alternate
actions (right key):

    button "Click Here" [view/new layout [txt "action"]] [view/new layout 
    [txt "alt-action"]]

Use variables to modify the contents or state of other faces. For 
example, the slider will update the progress bar:

    slider 200x16 [p1/data: value show p1]
    p1: progress

!More action on actions needed...


After the state is changed for a user interface element, it must 
be re-drawn to be reflected on the user interface canvas.

Accomplish this with the show message.

    backtile polished
    toggle "Toggle State"  
            [   cybernetics?/data: not cybernetics?/data
                show cybernetics?]  

    return  label "Are you interested in cybernetics?" cybernetics?: 

One show command can be used for multiple user interface elements

        backtile polished orange
        b1: check label "Red" return
        b2: check label "Green" return

        button 200 "Change State But No Refresh" [b1/data: not b1/data b2/data: 
        not b2/data] return
        button "Show" [show [b1 b2]]

A user interface element can also be hidden.

        backtile polished orange
        c1: check 
        hide-button: button "Hide" [hide c1] return
        show-button: button "Show" [show [c1 d2]]

The show-button action tries to show a user interface element 'd2' 
that does not exist.
REBOL/View ignores these.
===Invisible Faces

To make a button invisible when the view is opened, you can define 
an invisible button style

This approach sets the show? value to false when the user interface 
element is initialized.


    style invisible-button button with [append init [show?: false]]
    late-shower: invisible-button "I'm Here" return
    return button 200 "Show Invisible Button" [show late-shower]
This works for the other visible user interface element.


A user interface element can programmatically be given the focus.

    across backtile polished 
    button 200 "Set focus to Phone Field" [focus f2] 
    return label "Name: "   f1: field 100 
    return label "Phone: " f2: field 100 

    return button 200 "Remove focus from Phone Field" [unfocus f2] 
    return button 200 "Hide the Phone Field" [hide f2] return

---Focus Defect

!Note that the tab function shows a hidden field. I have assumed 
that this is a defect. If a field is hidden, the tab button should 
not make it visible. This has been previously sent to feedback.

===Radio Buttons

A radio button is used to make a choice between mutually exclusive 
values. Your preferred programming language is REBOL or C++ or PL/1 
or APL but it is only one of those.

            across backtile polished

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "REBOL" return

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "C++" return

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "PL/1" return

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "APL" return

To mix two groups of radio buttons on one screen, associate them 
with their groups using the "of 'word". In the above, the grouping 
is 'programming-language.

            across backtile polished

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "Language: REBOL" return

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "Language: C++" return

            radio of 'editor pad 0x-4 label "Editor: TextPad" return

            radio of 'editor pad 0x-4 label "Editor: Notepad" return

The padding in the above is needed to keep the label aligned with 
the radio button.

            across backtile polished orange

            radio of 'programming-language pad 0x-4 label "REBOL" return

            radio of 'programming-language          label "APL" return

===Radio Button Settings

A radio button is not very useful unless you can find out what its 
setting is and change that setting under program control.

            across backtile polished orange

            rebol-radio:    radio of 'programming-language  [programming-language: 
            'rebol] pad 0x-4 label "REBOL" return

            apl-radio:      radio of 'programming-language  [programming-language: 
            'apl]         label "APL" return
            button 200 "Toggle radio button" [

                    apl-radio/data: not rebol-radio/data: not rebol-radio/data
                    show [rebol-radio apl-radio]
===Check Box


A check box is used to allow user interface choices where the choices 
are not mutually exclusive.

        across backtile polished orange
        c1: check label "Likes animals" return
        c2: check label "Like Monkees" return
        c3: check label "Like The Animals"

A check box is not much good if you can't get and set its state (on 
or off).

        across backtile polished orange
        c1: check label "Likes animals" return
        c2: check label "Like Monkees" return
    button "Set State" [
        c1/data: true 
        show c1
        c2/data: false
        show c2


A sensor is an invisible user interface element. Using a sensor only 
makes sense in a few instances. 

If you want a keycode action where there is no visible user interface 
element to link the action to then a sensor can be used.

This sensor code adds an Escape or Back or Enter action that will 
close the window. 

    sensor 1x1 keycode [#"^M" #" " #"^(back)" #"^(ESC)"] [unview]

Or if you want to make portions of an image 'hot' instead of putting 
buttons on top of the image, then a sensor will achieve this.

        across backtile polished orange

        txt "Click on the upper left section of the gray image to invoke 
        the sensor action"

        return animage: image 100x100 polished      ; here the image is just 
        the polished area

        at animage/offset sensor 50x50 [alert "You pushed over the sensor"]
===Displaying Script Values

If the script has a standard format headings, including custom ones, 
these can be used in the application by picking them from the system/script/header.

        backtile polished
        across banner "About"

        return text font-size 16    rejoin ["Title: "           form system/script/header/title]

        return text font-size 16  rejoin ["Originator: "    form system/script/header/author] 

        return text font-size 16  rejoin ["Modifier: "      form system/script/header/modifier]

        return text font-size 16  rejoin ["Version: "       form system/script/header/version]

        return text font-size 16  rejoin ["Updated: "       form system/script/header/date]
        return button "OK" [unview] 


A toggle button represents boolean state - either on or off. The 
button stays down until toggled again.
Colors and text can be paired for "on" and "off" state.

    toggle "Up" "Down" red blue

To set the state via program control, use:

        across backtile polished
        return t1: toggle "Up" "Down" red blue
        return button polished 204.0.0 100 "Toggle State" [
            t1/state: not t1/state
            show t1

===Rotary Buttons

Rotary buttons are a different sort of user interface device. They 
can cause some challenges because the state is what's showing so 
you have to blindly "toggle" to get to a state that you want.  But 
for quick and easy uses where the user is familiar with the options, 
they can be handy.  If you plan to use them for a long list of items 
such as shown  below, they might give you some usability concerns.


        across backtile polished
        rotary data ["First" "Second" "Third"]

---Setting State

        across backtile polished

        return r1: rotary data (my-options: ["First" "Second" "Third"])
        return button 200 "Change Rotary State" [
            r1/data: next r1/data
            if tail? r1/data [r1/data: head r1/data]
            show r1

---Example - Usability For Unfamiliar List Contents

The rotary button demonstrated here contains some information unfamiliar 
to most (Saturn's satellites). Use it to to set the state so that 
"Calypso" is set. Doable but without knowing the order each re-paint 
has to be checked to ensure that it is not "Calypso" before clicking 
again.  If you do click past the choice that you want, there is no 
back function so you have to cycle through again.

        return rotary data [

            "Pan" "Atlas" "Prometheus" "Pandora" "Epimetheus" "Janus" "Mimas" 
            "Enceladus" "Tethys" "Telesto" "Calypso" "Dione" "Helene" "Rhea" 
            "Titan" "Hyperion" "Iapetus" "Phoebe"        


REBOL/View supports arrows as simple user interface elements. Actions 
can be associated with them.

---Arrowheads And Actions

By default, the arrow is 20x20

    across size 200x100 
    backtile polished
    at 50x50 arrow left 
        [alert "You pressed the left arrow"] 

        [alert "You pushed the alternate button on the left arrow"] 
    at 70x30 arrow up
    at 90x50 arrow right [alert "You pressed the right arrow"]
    at 70x70 arrow down
---Very Sharp Arrows

And with a little work the arrows and boxes can be merged to look 
sharper. Here is a "sharp at both ends" arrow from the block diagram 
script by Carl:

    origin 0
    backcolor white
    at 0x0 box 40x40 white effect [arrow rotate 270]
    at 110x0 box 40x40 white effect [arrow rotate 90]
    at 24x10 box black 100x20
---Arrow Blend

So that shows you how to make an arrow blend into your background

    size 100x100
    across backdrop gray
    at 50x50 box 40x40 gray effect [arrow rotate 90]
    at 40x67 box 25x5 black

LEDs would be used to display state (on or off).  

Clicking the LED toggles its state and changes its color.

LEDs do not support alternate mouse button actions.

    across banner "Light Emitting Diode"

    l1: led 10x10 [alert "LED left mouse action"] label "Alert status"

    l2: led 10x10 [alert "LED left mouse action"] label "Network status"
    return button "Change state" [
        l1/data: not l1/data
        l2/data: not l2/data 
        show [l1 l2]        


Draw boxes of any heigth and width with the box style

    box "Large Box" 200x400 polished orange
---Boxes As Lines

If you make the box narrow enough or short enough it is a line (or 
a dot).

    across size 300x300 backtile polished
    at 50x0 box 3x100 gold
    at 0x50 b1: box 100x3 gold
    at 10x10 box 5x5 red
---Boxes Can Grow

    across size 300x300 backtile polished
    at 150x0 b1: box 100x3 gold
    return pad 0x100 button "Grow Down" [
        for i 3 300 1 [
            b1/size/y: 1 + b1/size/y
            wait 00:00:00.01
            show b1

    return pad 0x100 button "Back Up" [
        for i 300 3 -1 [
            b1/size/y: b1/size/y - 1
            wait 00:00:00.01
            show b1

You might even find a use for it.

---Grid Effect

Not sure of the use for this yet but here is what you can do:

 return box "Grid Lock" with [effect: [grid 20x20 8x8 4x3]] white 

 return box "Grid Lock" with [effect: [grid 20x20 5x5 3x3]] white 
 - 80 300x200

Earlier versions of REBOL VID supported frames in layouts such as
view layout [frame "This is the Bay" %bay.jpg]

These are no longer valid.

But frames can be put around some user interface devices:

    image 100x100 polished frame red

A list is an iterated sub layout and takes a layout block that uses 
the Visual Interface Dialect. The styles in the layout will be repeated 
until there is no more room to fit them within the list dimensions.


A face can be iterated to create a number of virtual faces. For instance, 
when displaying a list of ten buttons, each of the buttons does not 
need to be created as a separate object. If the buttons only differ 
by a few facets (such as position, text, and action taken on selection), 
a model face can be created and iterated for its other position. 
This is useful when creating scrolling lists of files and other data 
sets that share the same appearance. 


Supply provides the data to the list for an iterated face.

    do [cnt: 0
        list-collection: [aqua sky water]    
    backtile polished orange
    list-displayed: list 100x72 [
        origin 0 space 0x0 across
        color-field: txt bold 80x24
    ] supply [
            if none? one-color: pick list-collection count [exit]
            face/text: do pick [one-color] index


    return txt gold 180 "OK ... but not too useful"

---Supply Columns

Maybe adding some more columns would be better.

Here I'll add a column of buttons that display the color name
and a column of text strings in italic.

    do [
        cnt: 0
        list-collection: [aqua sky water gold silver coffee]    
    backtile polished orange
        list-displayed: list 300x200 [
            origin 0 space 0x0 across
            color-field: txt bold 80x24
            color-button: button 80x24
            pad 5x1
            txt 100 italic
        ] supply [

                if none? one-color: pick list-collection count [exit]
                face/text: do pick [
                    [to-string one-color]
                    [rejoin ["  " to-string one-color]]
                    ] index 

    return txt gold 300 {A bit more interesting but the last row repeats 
    to fill the list size. Some of the other VID components will automatically 
    stretch to fit the size needed (such as this txt field) but the list 
    does not behave that way.  You have to make the list size fit its 
    data or make it smaller and add a vertical scroll capability. That 
    is shown a little later on.}

===List With Supplied Data

This example is to show adding action to the list
and adds a horizontal line between the rows.

    do [
        cnt: 0
        list-collection: [aqua sky water gold silver coffee]    
    backtile polished orange

        list-displayed: list water edge [size: 6x6 color: silver]  350x96 
            origin 0 space 0x0 across

            color-field: txt 60 [alert rejoin ["You pressed the " face/text " 
            text field"]]
            pad 45x0            

            color-button: button 80 [alert rejoin ["You pressed the " face/text 
            " button"]]
            pad 5x0
            txt 120 italic

            return box 350x1 white      ; this causes a horizontal line to appear 
            between each row

        ] supply [

                if none? one-color: pick list-collection count [exit]
                face/text: do pick [
                    [to-string one-color]
                    [rejoin ["  " to-string one-color]]
                    ] index 

===Supply List With Scroll

This example shows a supplied list with a scroll capability.
More colors are added to demonstrate scrolling.

Note that this is a verbose list of code where I added comments
for my understanding of how the scroll was linked to the list.
The same effect can be accomplished with fewer lines of code.

    do [    ; first this do block creates the data definitions needed.
        slider-position-clicked:  0
        count: 0    
        x: 450
        y: 300

        row-y: 16           ; the row height includes the data plus any separator 

        list-size: to-pair reduce [x y]     ; this is the size of the display 
        separator-size: to-pair reduce [x 1]
        slider-size: to-pair reduce [24 y ]
        list-collection: [

            aqua           bar-color   base-color     beige         black    
                  blue           brick          brown      

        button-color   coal        coffee         crimson       cyan     
              forest         gold           gray       

        green          ivory       khaki          leaf          linen    
              magenta        main-color     maroon     

        mint           navy        oldrab         olive         orange   
              over-color     papaya         pewter         

            pink           purple      rebolor        red           sienna   
                  silver         sky            snow

        tan            teal        violet         water         wheat    
              white          yellow        
        supply-style: stylize [

                button-fixed: button left coal to-pair reduce [80 row-y]        ; 
                these keep the row elements the same height

                text-fixed: txt to-pair reduce [160 row-y]          
        data-size: length? list-collection  

    backtile polished orange                        ; this section layouts 
    out the list

        list-position: at                                   ; the position 
        is captured here in order to later put the slider beside it
        list-displayed: list linen 
            edge [size: 6x6 color: tan]  list-size [  
            origin 0 space 0x0 across
            styles supply-style

            text-fixed [alert rejoin ["You pressed the " face/text " text field"]]

            button-fixed [alert rejoin ["You pressed the " face/text " button"]]
            pad 5x0 

            text-fixed 80 italic [alert rejoin ["You pressed the italic " face/text 
            " text field"]]

            return box separator-size gray      ; this causes a horizontal line 
            to appear between each row

        ] supply [
                count: count + slider-position-clicked  

                if none? one-color: pick list-collection count [exit]
            either count > (1 + data-size) 
                             do pick [

                                           ; this is supplied to the first txt field (text-fixed)

                                    [to-string one-color]                                           ; 
                                    this is supplied to the button (button-fixed)

                                    [rejoin ["  " to-string one-color " "]]     ; this value is supplied 
                                    to the last text-fixed field
                            ] index 

        ; now add a slider to the side of the list

        at list-position + (list-size * 1x0)                             
           ; this finds the top right border of the list widget
        vertical-slider: slider slider-size to-integer y / row-y

                    slider-position-clicked: vertical-slider/data   ; the slider has 
                    to be bound to the size of the list                

                        * ((1 + data-size) - ((y / (1 + row-y))))       ; including the row 
                    if slider-position-clicked <> count [
                        count: slider-position-clicked 
                        show list-displayed


A slider is interactive user interface element. The data of a slider 
varies from 0 to 1.

    backtile polished   orange across
    slider-1: slider 200x40 
    return button 200 "Move first slider to 50%" [
        slider-1/data: .5 
        show slider-1

    return txt 200 "The second slider in this example is initialized 
    to the 80% mark."  
    return slider 200x40 with [append init [data: .8]]
===Progress Indicator

The progress-1 face in this example is a progress indicator. Because 
it is only displaying information, it is non-interactive i.e. you 
can not change its value by dragging its edges.  The alternate button 
is not supported on a progress indicator.

    backtile polished   orange across
    slider 200x40 [
        progress-1/data: value 
        field-1/text: join (to-integer (100 * value)) " %"
        show [progress-1 field-1]
    return progress-1: progress
    return field-1: field

Panels are used to create sub-panes that can be more easily managed 
by grouping

the user interface devices on a panel. The first example below shows 
how to use panels for layout alignment. By creating a panel definition, 
all of the components defined within it are aligned relative to its 

    across backtile polished brick
    tabs 50
    return panel-1: panel 250x120 [
        backtile polished
        return button water 200 "Button A"
        return button aqua  200 "Button B"
        return button sky   200 "Button C" 

    at panel-1/offset + panel-1/size panel 60x90 [  ; start at the bottom 
    right corner of panel-1
        backtile polished
        return button tan       20 "1"
        return button coffee    20 "2"
---Multiple SubPanels example

This example from the REBOL html documentation shows how to easily 
hide and show sections of a user interface by displaying them on 
the face area of a box.  

        do [                                ; define two panels
            panel1: layout [
                    origin 8x8
                    h2 "Panel 1"
                    field "Field 1"
                    field "Field 2"
                    button "The Answer" [alert "I know nothing."]

            panel2: layout [
                origin 8x8
                    h2 "Panel 2"
                    txt "X:"
                    slider 150x16
                    txt "Y:"
                    slider 150x16
                    check [panel2/color: maroon  show panel2]
                    txt "Don't click this"
                    check [panel2/color: silver  show panel2]
                    txt "Click this" 

                panel1/offset: 0x0
                panel2/offset: 0x0

        vh2 "Subpanel Examples"     ; now demonstrate panel use
        pad 20
        button "Panel 1" [panels/pane: panel1  show panels]
        button "Panel 2" [panels/pane: panel2  show panels]
        button "Quit" [unview]
        box 2x140 maroon
        panels: box 220x140
        do [panels/pane: panel1]
===Simple Default Style Override

The style's default look can be overriden easily with one line of 

For example, to make the default button size 200x200 with a water 
color, use

    style button button 200x200 water
    button "Big Blue Button" [unview]

To make the toggle some different default colors:

    style toggle toggle crimson sky
    toggle "Up" "Down"

Note that these stay in effect until they are overridden so if you 
use the default values, exercise some care unless you meant to do 

===Image Maker

An option used by Carl in some of his programs is to let View create 
specific icons so that you have portability and more control of look 
of the image then if you referenced an external file such as gif 
that was a bullet display. Here's how to do that:

    do [    
        make-image: func [xy wh eff] [
            eff: layout [
                size 20x20 at xy
                box wh effect eff
        eff/color: rebolor
        to-image eff

        dot: make-image 6x5 9x9 [gradient 1x1 255.0.0 0.0.0 oval key 0.0.0]

        dot-big: make-image 8x7 12x12 [gradient 1x1 255.0.0 0.0.0 oval key 
        arr: make-image 3x3 14x14 [arrow 0.0.127 rotate 90]
        ard: make-image 3x3 14x14 [arrow 0.0.127 rotate 180]    

    ]   ; end of "do" - it is needed here because easyvid approach is 
    expecting vid dialect commands

    banner "Presentation Points"
    size 400x300 across

    style label label gold     ; make a label's text be a different color 
    than the default
    return image dot label "This is bullet point number 1" 
    return image dot label "This is bullet point number 2"
    return image arr label "This is arrow point number 1"

    return image ard label "This is an arrow making a different point"

    return image dot-big pad 0x4 area 300x80 wrap "And because these 
    arrows and dots are images, action can be added to them to make them 
    'hot' with mouse actions including 'over'."
===Needs Some Work

!More to come.  These still need to be covered in this

    text-list data [
===Digital Clock

    origin 0
    banner "00:00:00" rate 1 effect [gradient 0x1 0.0.150 0.0.50]

        feel [engage: func [face act evt] [face/text: now/time  show face]]


===REBOL Logo

 image %rebo-logo.gif [unview]

===Paint Drops

REBOL one liner by Vincent Ecuyer

 b: box rate 9 effect[draw[pen(random snow)circle(random 99x99)2]blur]box 
 1x1 rate 9 effect[draw[(b/image: to-image b)]]

One line emailer by Doc Kimbel

Assumes you have set up your email in set-user

 e: field "Email" s: field "Subject" m: area "Body" btn "Send"[send/subject 
 to-email e/text m/text s/text alert "ok"]
===Hello World

 text "Hello World!" button "Close" [unview]
===Three Buttons

 button "Yes" button "Maybe" button "No"

===View Web Text

 text 800x600 read http://www.rebol.com
===View Image

 image %palms.jpg
===View Image and File Name

Here a do block is used to initialize the file variable within the 
layout code.

 do [file: %palms.jpg]
 image file  text form file
===View Image behind File Name

Here a do block is used to initialize the file variable within the 
layout code.

 do [file: %palms.jpg]

 image file form file
===Buttons From Images

    backdrop 40.70.140
    stat: text bold "Click a Button" 100x20 240.140.40 center
    button "Bay Test"  %bay.jpg 100x100 [
        stat/text: "Upper" 
        show stat
    button "Blue Test" %bay.jpg 100x100 10.30.180 [
        stat/text: "Lower" 
        show stat
===View List

 list blue 320x200 [across text white 200 text white 100] data [
    ["John" 100] 
    ["Joe" 200] 
    ["Martin" 300]
===Movie Credits

    backdrop %bay.jpg effect [fit]

    text center bold 240x30 "REBOL, The Movie" yellow font [size: 16]
    credits: text {

 Edit This File 

 To Add Your Own Credits 

 It is very simple to do. 

 Only takes a minute. 

 Only REBOL Makes It Possible...

 } white bold center 240x180 rate 30 para [origin: 0x+100]
        feel [engage: func [f a e] [

            if a = 'time [f/para/origin: f/para/origin - 0x1 show f]

===Fire Demo

    box 150x150 with [
        edge: none
        img: image: make image! 150x150
        rate: 20
        text: "FIREBOLEK"
        font: make font [size: 24 color: 255.125.0]

        basic: [draw [image make pair! reduce [(random 3)  - 2 -1] img]]
        effects: reduce [
            append copy basic [blur luma -10]
            append copy basic [sharpen luma -10 blur]
            append copy basic [contrast 10 blur luma -5]        
        effect: first effects
        feel: make feel [
            engage: func [f a e][
                switch a [

                    down [f/effects: next f/effects if tail? f/effects [f/effects: head 
                    f/effects] f/effect: first f/effects show f]

                    time [show f repeat i f/size/x - 4 [poke f/image (f/size/x * f/size/y) 
                    - i - 2 (random 255.0.0 + random 0.127.0) * 3] f/img: to-image f] 
    text 150 {classical fire demo for REBOL^/
 press on fire to see other effects.^/   
 Written by ReBolek, 2001 in 15 mins.^/
 We need new category on Assembly:^/
 less-than-kb-demo ;-)} with [font: make font  [size: 9]]

Oldes Bezier Line Demo

See script library for %bezier-curve.r

Uses functions and data initialized at script startup

The end points are draggable to change the curve!!!!

Here a do block is used to allow executable lines for initialization 

 do [

    draw-beziere-curve: has [result pp x0 x1 x2 x3 y0 y1 y2 y3 cx bx 
    ax cy by ay t tx ty s] [
    result: make block! 120
    pp: p0/size/x / 2
    x0: p0/offset/x + pp
    y0: p0/offset/y + pp
    x1: p1/offset/x + pp
    y1: p1/offset/y + pp
    x2: p2/offset/x + pp
    y2: p2/offset/y + pp 
    x3: p3/offset/x + pp
    y3: p3/offset/y + pp

    insert result compose [
        pen 155.0.0
        line (p0/offset + pp) (p1/offset + pp)
        line (p2/offset + pp) (p3/offset + pp)
        pen 255.255.255 line (p0/offset + pp)
    cx: 3 * (x1 - x0)
    bx: 3 * (x2 - x1) - cx
    ax: x3 - x0 - cx - bx
    cy: 3 * (y1 - y0)
    by: 3 * (y2 - y1) - cy
    ay: y3 - y0 - cy - by
    t: s: 0.01 ;this value sets quality of the curve
    while [t <= 1][
        tx: to integer! (

                (ax * (t * t * t)) + (bx * (t * t)) + (cx * t) + .5
            ) + x0
        ty: to integer! (

                (ay * (t * t * t)) + (by * (t * t)) + (cy * t) + .5
            ) + y0

        t: t + s
        insert tail result to pair! reduce [tx ty]
    return result

 click?: false
 mouse-pos: 0x0


    origin 0

    bkg: box black 400x400 with [effect: reduce ['draw make block! 120]]
    style point box 10x10 with [

        effect: [draw [pen 0.255.0 fill-pen 0.200.0 circle 4x4 4]]
        changes: [offset]
        feel: make feel [
            engage: func [f a e][
                if a = 'down [click?: on mouse-pos: e/offset]
                if a = 'up   [click?: off]
                if find [over away] a [
                    if click? [
                        f/offset: f/offset + e/offset - mouse-pos
                        bkg/effect/2: draw-beziere-curve
                        show [bkg f]
    at 300x200 p0: point
    at 200x100 p1: point
    at 200x300 p2: point
    at 100x200 p3: point
    do [bkg/effect/2: draw-beziere-curve]
===Buttons Galore

Buttons galore from the library script %buttons.r

Here a do block is used to execute the initialization needed within 
the layout block.

    do [
        group: ["rotary" "test" "button"]

    origin 20x10
    backdrop effect [gradient 0x1 100.20.0]

    vh1 "52 Button Click-up - Each with a different click effect..."

    vtext bold "Here is a small sampling of the thousands of button effects 
    you can create. (This is 78 lines of code.)"
    at 20x80 guide
    button "simple"
    button form now/date
    button "colored" 100.0.0
    button "text colored" font [colors: [255.80.80 80.200.80]]
    button with [texts: ["up text" "down text"]]
    button "bi-colored" colors [0.150.100 150.20.20]

    button with [texts: ["up color" "down color"] colors: [0.150.100 
    button "image" pic
    button "color image" pic 200.100.50

    button "flip color" pic with [effects: [[fit colorize 50.50.200][fit 
    colorize 200.50.50]]]
    button "blink" with [rate: 2 colors: [160.40.40 40.160.40]]

    button "multiply" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit multiply 128.80.60]]]
    button "brighten" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit luma 80]]]

    button "contrast" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit contrast 80]]]
    button "horiz flip" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit flip 1x0]]]

    button "vert reflect" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit reflect 0x1]]]
    button "invert" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit invert]]]

    button "vert grad" with [effects: [[gradient 0x1 0.0.0 0.200.0] [gradient 
    0x1 0.200.0 0.0.0]]]

    button "horiz grad" with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 200.0.0 200.200.200][gradient 
    1x0 200.200.200 200.0.0]]]

    button "both grad" with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 140.0.0 40.40.200] 
    [gradient 0x1 40.40.200 140.0.0]]]

    button "blink grad" with [rate: 4 effects: [[gradient 1x0 0.0.0 0.0.200] 
    [gradient 1x0 0.0.200 0.0.0]]]

    button "blink flip" pic with [rate: 8 effects: [[fit][fit flip 0x1]]]
    button "big dull button with several lines" 100x80 0.0.100

    button "dual color" pic 50.50.100 100.50.50 100x80 with [edge: [color: 

    button "big edge" pic 100x80 with [edge: [size: 5x5 color: 80.80.80] 
    effects: [[fit colorize 50.100.50][fit]]]

    button "oval reflect" pic 50.100.50 100x80 with [effect: [fit reflect 
    1x0 oval]]

    button "text on top" pic 100x80 with [font: [valign: 'top] effects: 
    [[fit gradcol 1x1 200.0.0 0.0.200] [fit gradcol -1x-1 200.0.0 0.0.200]]]

    button "text on bottom" pic 100x80 50.50.100 with [font: [valign: 
    'bottom] effects: [[fit][fit invert]]]

    button "big text font" pic 100x80 with [font: [size: 24] effects: 
    [[fit multiply 50.100.200][fit]]]

    button "cross flip" pic 50.100.50 100x80 with [effect: [fit flip 
    0x1 reflect 0x1 cross]]
    toggle "toggle"
    toggle "toggle red" 100.0.0 
    toggle "toggle up" "toggle down"
    toggle "toggle colored" 0.150.100 150.20.20
    toggle "up color" "down color" 0.150.100 150.20.20

    toggle "toggle multiply" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit multiply 128.80.60]]]

    toggle "toggle contrast" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit contrast 80]]]
    toggle "toggle cross" pic with [effects: [[fit][fit cross]]]

    toggle "toggle v-grad" with [effects: [[gradient 0x1 0.0.0 0.200.0] 
    [gradient 0x1 0.200.0 0.0.0]]]

    toggle "toggle h-grad" with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 200.0.0 200.200.200][gradient 
    1x0 200.200.200 200.0.0]]]

    toggle "toggle both" with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 140.0.0 40.40.200] 
    [gradient 0x1 40.40.200 140.0.0]]]
    rotary data group
    rotary data reduce [now/date now/time]
    rotary data group 100.0.0 0.100.0 0.0.100

    rotary data group with [font: [colors: [255.80.80 80.200.80]]]
    rotary data group with [colors: [0.150.100 150.20.20]]
    rotary data group pic
    rotary data group pic 200.100.50

    rotary data group pic with [effects: [[fit colorize 50.50.200][fit 
    colorize 200.50.50]]]

    rotary data group with [effects: [[gradient 0x1 0.0.0 0.200.0] [gradient 
    0x1 0.200.0 0.0.0]]]

    rotary data group with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 200.0.0 200.200.200][gradient 
    1x0 200.200.200 200.0.0]]]

    rotary data group with [effects: [[gradient 1x0 140.0.0 40.40.200] 
    [gradient 0x1 40.40.200 140.0.0]]]
===Paint Program

This section is a clip of the layout portion of Frank Sievertsen's 
remarkable paint program. Open this example to enable a quick link 
to the real source:

 button "Browse Source" [browse http://www.reboltech.com/library/html/paint.html]
 button "Close" [unview]

In the example below, a DO block is used to execute initialize code.

 do [

    color: fill-color: start: draw-image: draw-pos: tmp: none
    type: 'box
    undos: [] redos: []
    draw: func [offset /local tmp] [
        compose [
            pen (color/color) fill-pen (fill-color/color)
            (type) (start) (either type = 'circle [
                tmp: offset - start
                to-integer square-root add tmp/x ** 2 tmp/y ** 2
            ] [offset])
        backdrop effect compose [gradient 1x1 (sky) (water)]
        draw-image: image white 300x300 effect [draw []]
        feel [engage: func [face action event] [
            if all [type start] [
                if find [over away] action [
                    append clear draw-pos draw event/offset
                    show face
                if action = 'up [
                    append/only undos draw-pos
                    draw-pos: tail draw-pos
                    start: none
            if all [type action = 'down] [
                start: event/offset
        do [draw-pos: draw-image/effect/draw]
        style text text [
            tmp: first back find face/parent-face/pane face
            tmp/feel/engage tmp 'down none
            tmp/feel/engage tmp 'up none
        label "Tool:" return
        radio [type: 'line] text "Line"
        radio [type: 'box] on text "Box"
        radio [type: 'circle] text "Circle"
        style color-box box 15x15 [

            face/color: either face/color [request-color/color face/color] [request-color]
        ] ibevel
        color: color-box 0.0.0 text "Pen"
        fill-color: color-box text "Fill-pen"
        button "Undo" [if not empty? undos [
            append/only redos copy last undos
            draw-pos: clear last undos
            remove back tail undos
            show draw-image
        button "Redo" [if not empty? redos [
            append/only undos draw-pos
            draw-pos: insert draw-pos last redos
            remove back tail redos
            show draw-image
===Font Lab

Carl's Font lab

Here a do block is used to initialize some values needed in the layout

 do [

    change-styles: func [style start facet subfacet value /local v][
    start: find style/pane start
    foreach f start [
        f: in f facet
        if subfacet <> 'none [f: in get f subfacet]
        either block? value [

            if not block? get f [set f either none? get f [copy []][reduce [get 

            either v: find get f value [remove v][head insert get f value]
        ][set f value]
    show style

 chg: func ['facet 'subfacet value] [
    change-styles external-view norm-start facet subfacet value
 shad: does [chg font shadow sdir * to-integer sl2/data * 16]
 sdir: 1x1
 sz: 180x40
 sx2: sz/x / 2 

    style tgl toggle 60
    style lab vtext bold
    backcolor rebolor
    space 0x5

    p: choice 180 "Sans-Serif Style" "Serif Style" "Fixed Width Style" 

        [chg font name pick reduce [font-sans-serif font-serif font-fixed] 
        index? p/data]
    tgl "Bold" [chg font style [bold]]
    tgl "Italic" italic [chg font style [italic]]
    tgl "Lined" underline [chg font style [underline]]
    tgl "Left" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'left]
    tgl "Center" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'center]
    tgl "Right" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'right]
    tgl "Top" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'top]
    tgl "Middle" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'middle]
    tgl "Bottom" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'bottom]
    lab "Size:" 60x20 font []

    sl: slider 120x20 [chg font size max 8 to-integer sl/data * 40] 
     with [append init [data: .5]]
    lab "Space:" 60x20 font []

    sl1: slider 120x20 [chg font space (1x0 * to-integer sl1/data * 20) 
    - 5x0]
    lab "Shadow:" 60x20 font []
    sl2: slider 120x20 [shad]  with [append init [data: .5]]
    lab "Shad Dir:" 60x20
    arrow left  [sdir: sdir * 0x1 + -1x0 shad] pad 6
    arrow right [sdir: sdir * 0x1 + 1x0 shad]  pad 6
    arrow up    [sdir: sdir * 1x0 + 0x-1 shad] pad 6
    arrow down  [sdir: sdir * 1x0 + 0x1 shad]  pad 6
    button sx2 "Text Color" [chg font color request-color]
    button sx2 "Area Color" [chg color none request-color]

    button sx2 "Help" [alert "Click the controls on the left to change 
    text on the right."]
    button sx2 "Close" #"^Q" [unview]
    at p/offset + (p/size * 1x0) + 10x0
    Title "Title" sz
    h1 "Heading 1" sz
    h2 "Heading 2" sz
    h3 "Heading 3" sz
    h4 "Heading 4" sz
    h5 "Heading 5" sz
    at norm-start/offset + (norm-start/size * 1x0) + 10x0
    banner "Banner" sz
    vh1 "Video Heading 1" sz
    vh2 "Video Heading 2" sz
    vh3 "Video Heading 3" sz
    vtext "Video Text" sz
    text "Document Text" sz

===Windows Clipboard

---Cut or Copy to Clipboard

Normal Windows cut and copy commands are supported e.g. on a field, 
contents can be copied to the clipboard. Programmatic access is also 
supported for text contents.

    label "Entry field: "
    return input-field: field 200 "Enter your text here"

    return button 200 "Copy Entry field data to clipboard" [write clipboard:// 

    return button 200 "Show Clipboard Contents" [alert read clipboard://] 

---Clearing The Clipboard

    button 200 "Clear The Clipboard" [write clipboard:// ""]

    return button 200 "Show Clipboard Contents" [alert read clipboard://] 

---Paste from Clipboard

Normal Windows paste commands are supported e.g. on a field, contents 
can be pasted. Programmatic access is also supported for text contents.


    button 200 "Show Clipboard Contents" [alert read clipboard://] 

REBOL View supports an assortment of requesters. 

The results of the request-* code are returned as its value e.g. 
chosen-date: request-date

---Request Yes | No | Cancel

Provides the user the capability to pick from choices "Yes" | "No" 
| "Cancel"

The result is "True" | "False" | none

    do [user-response: none]

    button "Simple Request" 200 [user-response: request "Do you want 
    to abandon your input so far?"]
    button "View User Response" 200 [alert form user-response]

---Pick A Color

    do [chosen-color: gold] 
    button "Pick Color" 200 [chosen-color: request-color]
    button "View Chosen Color" 200 [alert form chosen-color]

---Pick An Answer

The request allows a descriptive value then 1, 2, or 3 options.

    button "Format" 100 [request ["Your message goes here. It will wrap 
    if it is very very long." "Choice 1" "Choice 2" "Choice 3"]]

    button "Example 1" 100 [request ["Pick The Color of Your New Model 
    T" "Black"]]

    button "Example 2" 100 [request ["Pick one country" "England" "France"]]

    button "Example 3" 100 [request ["Run Extract Script?" "Yes" "No" 

---Pick A Date

    do [chosen-date: 01-Jun-1990]
    button "Pick Date" 200 [chosen-date: request-date]
    button "See Chosen Date" 200 [alert form chosen-date]

---Get A LogonID and Password

    do [credentials: none]
    button "Get Credentials" 200 [credentials: request-pass]
    button "View Credentials" 200 [
        view/new layout [
            size 200x200 backtile polished orange 
            across banner "Credentials" 
            return label "LogonID:  " txt pick credentials 1
            return label "Password: " txt pick credentials 2

---Pick A File

Format: REQUEST-FILE /title title-line button-text /file name /filter 
filt /keep    

        do [filter-block: ["*.gif" "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.bmp"]]

        button "Pick Any File" 300 [request-file "Select"]      

        button "Pick With A Title" 300 [request-file/title "Pick The Data 
        File to Process" "OK"]

        button "Change the Action Button Name" 300 [request-file/title "Pick 
        The Data File to Process" "OK"]        

        button "Keep Results" 300 [request-file/title/keep "Previous Select 
        On This Button Is Kept" "OK"]

        button "Filter Files" 300 [request-file/title/filter "Pick An Image 
        File" "OK" filter-block]    

---Request Text Input

Format: REQUEST-TEXT /offset xy /title title-text /default str

    button "Request Text Input - all default parameters" 300 [request-text]

    button "Request Text Input - with offset to window" 300 [request-text/offset 

    button "Request Text Input - with title" 300 [request-text/title 
    "Input your question"]

    button "Request Text Input - with default" 300 [request-text/default 
    "Key your question here"]

    button "Request Text Input - with all parameters" 300 [request-text/offset/title/default 
    100x100 "Input your question" "Key your question here"]

---Request Download from Net

Request a file download from the net. Show progress. Return none 
on error.

Format: REQUEST-DOWNLOAD url /to local-file

    backtile polished orange    

    button "Request File Download To local REBOL Cache" 300 [request-download 

    button "Request File Download To This Directory" 300 [request-download/to 

    button "Request File Download To Specific File" 300 [request-download/to 

===Message Box

    button "Format" 100 [request ["Your message goes here. It will wrap 
    if it is very very long and tedious." "Close"]] 
    button "Example" 100 [request ["You done good!" "OK"]]


    button "Exit" 100 [
        request/confirm "Do you want to quit without saving?" []

===Calling the Editor

The REBOL editor is now callable with the editor function

    backtile polished
    button 300 "Create a test file and edit it" [
        write %temp.txt "This is a test file"
        editor %temp.txt
    ] frame 204.0.0 

===Calling Windows

With View/Pro the calling of executables is supported.

Here are two simple examples that will work if you have View/Pro 
on a platform where a notepad and calc are avaiable.

    across backtile size 200x200
    return button "Notepad" [call ["notepad.exe"]]
    return button "Calculator" [call ["calc.exe"]]

===Window Options

Note that these are options which are ignored by the easyvid.r code 
that displays them in this tutorial.
Copy the code out and run it standalone in REBOL/View.

---Block Options: No Border and No Title

    view/options layout [
        size 200x200 
        banner "Window Options" 
        button "Close" [unview]
        ] [

---Word Option: No Title

Note that the results of this are surprising if you run it from within 
a script that has a title option. It is displayed near location 0x0 
of the resulting window instead of in the window frame that has been 

    view/options layout [
        size 200x200 
        banner "Window Options" 
        button "Close" [unview]
        ] 'no-title

===REBOL/View Notifiers

REBOL/View supports simple notifiers to send messages to a user interface


    button 220 polished "Send alert message" [
        alert "This causes a dialogue box to popup"


Flash is provided to provide a message and keep on processing.

    across size 200x200
    return button 150 "Create Flash Message" [flash "Testing"]
    return button 150 "Unview Flash" [unview]


    inform layout  [
        backtile polished sky 

        across text font-size 16 bold underline red "Action complete!" 
        return button "OK"  [unview]]


REBOL supports popups  (see note below before running!)

        across size 200x200 
        button "Show Popup" [
            show-popup popup-layout: layout [
                    across size 200x200 
                    backtile polished
                    banner "The Popup Worked" 
                    return button "Unview" [unview]
        return button "Hide Popup" [unview/only popup-layout]

I have had some difficulties (process lockup) when using

these popups so just use view layout [...] and skip the popup part.

===Diagram Example

Carl has created some diagrams in REBOL using styles to make an architecture 

This is a slightly modified version.

Here again a DO block precedes the layout code for non-layout initiatiation 
... here the definition of a function.

Why make a diagram this way?

1. One reason is that it can be interactive ... the sections are 
all "hot" with a few lines of code.  Here they pop up REBOL Dialogs 
but they could do anything that can be coded even something as simple 
as launching a browser on a different URL for each diagram component. 
 The "Compositor" box demonstrates this by launching your browser 
on the REBOL.com site.

2. Very small footprint size compared to other presentation source 

 do [
        information: func [info [string!]][
        request/ok reform [ info]

    style bx box 255.255.255 0.0.0 font-size 11 font [color: 0.0.0 shadow: 
    0x0] edge [size: 5x2] 
        [request/ok reform ["No information on" face/text]] 

    style bb box bold left top para [origin: 6x10] edge [size: 2x2]
        [request/ok reform ["No information on" face/text]]
    backcolor silver + 30
    at 15x15 h1 486 left "Arch Structure" 
    at 15x50    bb "Client" 506x436 160.80.80 [

        information "Any client machine e.g. branch or Call Centre"]

    at 25x252   bb "Mid-Tier" 486x68 effect [gradient 1x1 169.91.155 

    at 25x152   bb "UI" 486x96    effect [gradient 1x1 38.156.82 19.78.41]

    at 25x324   bb "Servers" 486x151   effect [gradient 1x1 103.96.200 
    50.45.100] [

        information "Mid-tiers servers with XYZ relational database server" 

    at 130x216  bx "Compositor" 182x24 bold [browse http://www.rebol.com]

    at 130x60   bx "Browser" 120x24 [information "Branch standard browser"]

    at 130x188  bx "Sound" 182x24 bold [information "Sound services"]
    at 255x60   bx "Win32" 120x24 [information "Win32 App"]

===Column Images

Creates a layout looking (a little) like columns. It uses a gradient 
effect going from darker to lighter

 do [
     column: make image! layout [

            backdrop effect [gradient 1x0 20.20.20 250.240.230 luma 60]

    column-size: 50x420

    area-size: 400x420  ; height should be the same as column-size
 backtile polished tan
   image column-size  column 
   pad -10x0        ; this brings the default VID spacing back
   area wrap area-size  

   edge none        ; take the edge off of area so that it more closely 
   shadow 2x2

   pad -10x0 image column-size column  ; if you want a right column

===Tree View of Directory

This is Didier's tree view %request-dir.r

In this sample, you must be online because the code is accessed on 
the Rebol script server

 do [do http://www.rebol.org/library/scripts/request-dir.r

Note that:

* the script is read from the script library but runs locally

* it is showing the files in your directories

===The emailer Function

The function for emailing has appeared in Jan-2004 on the rebol list.

It is a simple idea ... to create a standard emailer by invoking 
a function emailer. This window will show the source:

  text wrap 400x300 mold get 'emailer

And it is simple to run:

    across size 200x200
    return button 150 "Run emailer" [emailer]

But on my machine there is again a problem - the emailer locks up 


* if it works use it if you like

* use Doc Kimbel's one liner (works for me). Assumes you have set 
up your email in set-user

 e: field "Email" s: field "Subject" m: area "Body" btn "Send"[send/subject 
 to-email e/text m/text s/text alert "ok"]

* better yet, make your own... if the code for the basic is 1 line, 
then a custom version is not far away. Here's an example that allows 
selection of your frequent contacts (entered in the names-addresses 
series) and keeps a journal of email that you have sent (using this 
code) in file email-journal.txt.  Assumes you have setup your user 
profile correctly to allow sending of email.

 do [

  names-addresses: [
    "Contact 1"         [contact1-:-no-such-address-:-com]
    "Contact 2"         [contact2-:-no-such-address-:-com]
    "Contact 3"         [contact3-:-no-such-address-:-com]

  names: copy []
  foreach [name address] names-addresses [append names name]

  journal?: false  ; set to true if want to journalize sent email

    e: rotary 200 data sort names
    s: field "Subject" 
    m: area 500x400 wrap "Body" 
    btn "Send"[

        send/subject who-to: select names-addresses e/text m/text s/text 
        alert join "Sent email to: " form who-to
        if journal? [
            write/append %email-journal.txt rejoin [
                "[ When-sent: " now/precise 
                " To: " who-to
                " Subject: {" s/text
                "} Message: {" m/text "} ] "
    btn "Quit" [unview]

It won't take much to change this from the rotary used to a text 
list allowing multiple selections.

===Some More email

Earlier there have been a few examples of sending email. Here are 
a few more that often appear in the mailing list

---Simple Send

This is not a runnable version because you don't need anything but 
REBOL/Core to run it. It has been wrapped in a DO block so it does 
not send errors to the console.

---Quick Send Short Message

 do [
    send [address-:-isp-:-com] "My Message"
---Send Longer Message  

Now a more complex message where there is a body to the message:

 do [
    send [address-:-isp-:-com] {Sample Message
    This is the body of the message

---Send with One Attachment

Here, so that the sample does not fail, test file(s) are created 
by the code before attempting the send. 

 do [
    test-file: %file-attachment.txt
    write test-file {Just some test data to create a file}
    send/attach [address-:-isp-:-com] {Sample Message
    This is the body of the message
    } test-file
---Send with Attachments

And a message with multiple attachments.

Here, so that the sample does not fail, test file(s) are created 
by the code before attempting the send. 

 do [
    files: [%file-attachment.txt %second-attachment.txt]

    foreach file files [write file {Just some test data to create a file}]
    send/attach [address-:-isp-:-com] {Sample Message
    This is the body of the message
    } files
---Send to Multiple Addresses

Here, so that the sample does not fail, test file(s) are created 
by the code before attempting the send. 

 do [
    files: [%file-attachment.txt %second-attachment.txt]

    foreach file files [write file {Just some test data to create a file}] 

    send/attach [[address-:-isp-:-com][asecondAddress-:-isp-:-com]] {Sample Message
    This is the body of the message
    } files

Same send only just provide the SMTP server with one copy:

Here, so that the sample does not fail, test file(s) are created 
by the code before attempting the send. 

  do [
    files: [%file-attachment.txt %second-attachment.txt]

    foreach file files [write file {Just some test data to create a file}] 

    send/only/attach [[address-:-isp-:-com][asecondAddress-:-isp-:-com]] {Sample 
    This is the body of the message
    } files
---Send With Header

This example uses a Do block to wrap the code. If you execute the 
email should be sent.
But it is unlikely to be delivered.

The addresses for me and you should be changed in your use as well 
as the

* Subject

* Organization

* Content 

 do [
   me: [myaddress-:-isp-:-com]
   you: [youraddress-:-isp-:-com]
   header-object: make system/standard/email [
            From: me
            Reply-To: me
            Subject: "Some Stuff"
            Organization: "Cyberia"
            MIME-Version: 1.0 
            Content-Type: "text/plain"
 send/header you {Test Message
    This is the message body.

---Send with CC

This adds a copy value in the header-object

 do [
   me: [myaddress-:-isp-:-com]
   you: [youraddress-:-isp-:-com]
   header-object: make system/standard/email [
            From: me
            Reply-To: me
            Subject: "Some Stuff"
            Organization: "Cyberia"
            MIME-Version: 1.0 
            Content-Type: "text/plain"
        cc: [another-address-:-isp-:-com]
 send/header you {Test Message
    This is the message body.

---Doctored Code

Again Doc Kimbel's one liner that does not waste a character

 e: field "Email" s: field "Subject" m: area "Body" btn "Send"[send/subject 
 to-email e/text m/text s/text alert "ok"]

===Sharp Styles

I really like the style that Didier has put around his email previewer

 do [
    ss-light: stylize [
        text: text feel none
        vtext: vtext feel none
        col-hdg: text black 255.255.204 bold middle effect []
        col-txt: text edge [size: 1x0 color: gray effect: 'bevel]
        ban: vh3 left to-pair reduce [
            50 logo.gif/size/y] edge [

                color: 0.0.0 size: 0x1] feel none with [color: black]
        lab: label para [origin: 2x3 margin: 0x2]
        labe: lab edge [size: 1x1 color: water effect: 'ibevel]
        inf: info 100 font-color yellow
        bkg: backdrop water - 10.10.10
        txt-big: vtext 300 font-size 18 font-color yellow center
        rti: vtext font-size 14 bold
        txt-ch: rti font-color white 170x22 para [
            origin: 2x3] with [font: make font [
                    color: white] colors: [55.95.155 235.170.55]]
        btnb: btn 70.70.70 font-color white

        men: rti 264 edge [size: 1x1 color: water effect: 'bevel] para [origin: 
        20x2 margin: 1x4]

             with [color: water - 40.40.40 effect: first effects: [

                [draw [pen white fill-pen white polygon 5x2 13x10 5x18]] [draw [pen 
                white fill-pen white polygon 2x5 10x13 18x5]]
             ] feel: none]  ;system/view/vid/vid-feel/hot]

        cbox: box 60x20 edge [size: 1x1 color: water effect: 'bevel] [

            if temp: request-color/color first face/data [face/color: temp change 
            face/data temp show face]
        ] with [append init [color: first data]]
    stylesheet: ss-heavy: stylize/styles [

        col-hdg: col-hdg effect [gradcol 0x1 200.200.160 155.155.104]

        ban: ban effect [merge gradcol 150.180.200 0.0.0] with [color: none]

        bkg: backdrop effect [gradient 1x1 65.125.175 45.75.115 grid 2000x4 
        1999x4 70.130.190 blur]
        txt-big: vtext 300 font-size 18 font-color yellow center
        rti: vtext font-size 14 bold

        txt-ch: txt-ch effect [gradcol -1x1 105.105.105 151.151.151]
        men: men effect [gradcol -1x0 black water]
    ] ss-light
    styles stylesheet
    space 4x4 origin 4x4 across
    pad 15 ban 235 :title para [origin: 32x0]
    pad -254
    image 30x30 %palms.jpg effect [fit key 255.0.255]
code: text: layo: external-view: none
sections: []
layouts: []
space: charset " ^-"
chars: complement charset " ^-^/"

rules: [title some parts]

title: [text-line (title-line: text)]

parts: [
    | "===" section
    | "---" subsect
    | "!" note
    | example
    | paragraph

text-line: [copy text to newline newline]
indented:  [some space thru newline]
paragraph: [copy para some [chars thru newline] (emit txt para)]
note: [copy para some [chars thru newline] (emit-note para)]
example: [
    copy code some [indented | some newline indented]
    (emit-code code)

section: [
    text-line (
        append sections text
        append/only layouts layo: copy page-template
        emit h1 text
    ) newline
subsect: [text-line (emit h2 text)]
emit: func ['style data] [repend layo [style data]]
emit-code: func [code] [
    remove back tail code
    repend layo ['code 460x-1 trim/auto code 'show-example]
emit-note: func [code] [
    remove back tail code
    repend layo ['tnt 460x-1 code]

show-example: [

    if external-view [xy: external-view/offset  unview/only external-view]
    xcode: load/all face/text
    if not block? xcode [xcode: reduce [xcode]] ;!!! fix load/all
    if here: select xcode 'layout [xcode: here]
    external-view: view/new/offset layout xcode xy

page-template: [
    size 500x480 origin 8x8
    backdrop white - 80

    style code tt snow navy bold as-is para [origin: margin: 12x8]
    style tnt txt maroon bold

parse/all detab content rules
show-page: func [i /local blk last-face][
    i: max 1 min length? sections i
    append clear tl/picked pick sections i 
    if blk: pick layouts this-page: i [
        f-box/pane: layout/offset blk 0x0 
        last-face: last f-box/pane/pane    ; bh slider

    f-box/pane/pane/1/size: f-box/pane/size: max 500x480 add 20x20 add 
    last-face/offset last-face/size ; bh slider
    update-slider ; bh slider
        show f-box

    show tl    ; changed to after slider update ; was not refreshing 
    the index display

update-slider: does [
    sld/data: 0
    either object? f-box/pane [
        sld/redrag min 1.0 divide sld/size/2 f-box/pane/size/2
        sld/action: func[face event] compose [

            f-box/pane/offset/2: multiply face/data (subtract 480 f-box/pane/size/2)
            show f-box
        sld/redrag 1.0 show sld
        sld/action: none
    show sld

main: layout [
    backtile polished
    vh2 title-line return
    tl: text-list 160x480 bold black white data sections [
        show-page index? find sections value
    h: at
    f-box: box 500x480

  at h + 500x0 sld: slider 24x480                 ; add brett's slider
    at h + 456x-24
    across space 4
    arrow left  keycode [up left] [show-page this-page - 1]
    arrow right keycode [down right] [show-page this-page + 1]
    pad -150

    txt white italic font-size 16 form system/script/header/date/date

show-page 1
xy: main/offset + either system/view/screen-face/size/x > 900 [
    main/size * 1x0 + 8x0][300x300]
view main
REBOL is not so big on line numbers.  Even when you look at http://www.rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0042.html
which is Carl's source parser, and added a line number tracker, it 
won't be accurate as a multiline comment (embedded newlines) counts 
as one source entity to LOAD.  I think the best you could really 
hope for is an offset into the sources at the start of a entity. 
 REBOL scripts do not require any newlines to function properly. 
 But aain, an index?  into the sources would work.   Brian;  Always 
take my squawking for what it is, someone that thinks he knows but 
knows he doesn't, yet still wants to help.  :)
Working on locate.r;  saving a database after a scan of the library 
scripts can't be reloaded
autoextract.r has the following inside it:
    output: [{Self-extracting REBOL-compressed file
        REBOL [
            Title:  "Self-extracting compressed file"
            Date:  } now {
            File:  } mold infile {
            Author:  "Autoextract function by Bohdan Lechnowsky"
            Comment:  ^{
               Simply run this script and it will 
               decompress and save the file for you

        if exists? } mold infile { [
            print ["} infile { already exists, please rename"
                           " existing file and run again."]
        write } mold infile { decompress 64#} mold file
    write outfile to-string reduce output

How do I get REBOL to keep the ^{ and ^}  across a save/all and load? 
  locate.r keeps a reference to all block! info for the tour sequence. 
 LOADing this (after a SAVE/ALL) causes an invalid string error. 
 Any hints?
I see the issue, but I'm not sure it's unsolvable. It seems strange 
to me that you can't pass a script to DO as an argument, and then 
not have that filename stored somewhere. If multiple scripts are 
DO'ed or LAUNCH'ed under that script, then append them to a block 
until the script is finished and then remove it again, when that 
script is done. system/script/parent provides similar functionality, 
except, it does nothing to track the true filename, but only the 
header which may hold incorrect information.
[unknown: 5]:
I have reassociated my scripts in windows with the new 2.7.6 core 
but I now get an error whenever I attempt to open them which is:

** Access Error: Cannot open /C/Documents
** Near: do/args script system/script/args

Any ideas?
I know the concept of a context. I actually use the word CONTEXT 
in most of my scripts. And reading the BIND help (with ? bind), 
I see, it binds words to a known word. So I guess, the known word 
is defining the context, the new words (1. argument of BIND) should 
bind to.

But why, Anton, do you use two binds in your example? I would guess, 
something like:
do bind [code b] h/q/1
should work?
I've just hit a serious issue in 2.7.6 on UNIX platforms today.

Briefly: CLOSE on TCP ports doesn't work anymore if CALL is used 
before CLOSE, in a AWAKE handler.

To reproduce this bug, get the tests scripts here :

write %server.r read http://softinnov.org/tmp/server.r
write %client.r read http://softinnov.org/tmp/client.r
write %foo.r read http://softinnov.org/tmp/foo.r

Then, read the comment section in %server.r and launch it to see 
by yourself : do %server.r

     o Windows is not affected by this issue.

     o I consider this a major issue for all REBOL server applications 
     working in async mode and spawning processes.

     o I'm posting first here before RAMBO, so that people can test and 
     point out any possible bad interpretation from me.
Hmmn, I am running a script, but not as CGI, on a remote 'nix box. 
 This script uses other scripts by 'do

The main script runs, but at the first use of parse rules from a 
do script, it fails.  Is there a magic setting of usage flags or 
file permissions to accomplish this?

$rebol -s main.r

runs main, but doesn't do the do %blah.r script from inside
It is weird, because from inside the REBOL console, a list-dir does 
not show the other scripts, like blah.r in the example above which 
main.r tries to do.
>list-dir ;after the file crashes...aha, I could see the files before 
doing the main.r.
main.r  main.r  

My scripts work fine on Windoze.  I am now thinking from this...I 
do a change-directory to get the directory of where I am running 
and I write my data into the current directory.  In Windoze, the 
change-directory seemed needed to pick up the directory I am in. 
 I'll bet 'nix doesn't like that, and perhaps needs the full pathnamem 
from the root, or soemthing like that.
BTW, (shameless plug) I am using INCLUDE instead of DO from the console 
when doing scripts, since I have an extensive INCLUDE-PATH, so I 
don't have to write the directory of the script, just its name
Here's the finished code (which obtains REBOL compatable font names 
under Mac):

	fonts: copy []
	caps: make bitset! [#"A" - #"Z"]

 foreach file compose [(read %/System/Library/Fonts/) (read %/Library/Fonts/)] 
		if %.dfont = suffix? file [
			s: form first parse file "."

   parse next s [any [mark: caps (insert mark #" ") 2 skip | skip] end]
			insert tail fonts s
	remove-each font-name fonts: sort unique fonts [

  (size-text make face [text: "A" font: make face/font [name: font-name 
  size: 10]]) =

  size-text make face [text: "A" font: make face/font [name: font-name 
  size: 12]]

(the windows func to do this is http://www.reboltech.com/library/scripts/get-fonts-windows.r
Ah, but that is assuming that the code is run at the top level. Judging 
by that particular code snippet, it looks like something from inside 
a function, and one that is likely in a context has 'email? already 
defined. Still, the fact that INTERN is already run on normal scripts 
(and the module equivalent run on modules) means that he likely wouldn't 
need to do this with the main contexts, just inner contexts.
Generallly, "preprocessing REBOL scripts" means to work with the 
DED, not with the DD (Do dialect)
The primary purpose of SAVE is to save scripts that are to later 
be processed by DO.
The primary purpose of SAVE is to save scripts that are to later 
be processed by DO.

 - weird, i always use save and load to save and load data. but, even 
 if that was the case, save/all would work just as well, so this is 
 a silly argument.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Few additional notes, to not understand me wrong. I always try to 
see the bigger picture of things, not just from the pov of current 
View user. IMO VID should develop towards general "solution containers" 
= highering common ground for further developments. So - the solution 
is not to introduce one quick hack for particular style, but generalising 
things and letting ppl to develop their own solution, but using that 
common denominator. Good example is Rebol, its network protocol, 
and Uniserve - Uniserve is good example of taking things further, 
so each user does not need to start from scratch. In VID it is e.g. 
introduction of accessor functions. I suggest to try to find other 
"solution containers" :-)

The other thing ppl should think openly about, is to sacrifice backwards 
compatibility! I do remember ppl here screaming even about single 
change, which would eventually broke their code. Man, it sound like 
some of us woul never been with bigger projects? Our SAP workflow 
engine is some 50K lines, and when I asked my co-worker to add another 
functionality, he said - I will hack-it in, but I will REWRITE whole 
engine to be more flexible. So - that's me and ppl I work with - 
let's be sane - as I stated on ML - View starts from 1.3 ;-) But 
even further - let's not be selfish to the thousands of ppl, which 
may come to Rebol in future. I don't want to explain to anyone, that 
thing x or y is there because there was some compatibility issue 
with Rebol 0000.1 alpha and som eppl got tens of scripts already 
- that is imo selfishness in bigger picture, sorry to say that. Use 
old kernels for old apps. Our code will break anyway here or there. 
I prefer PURITY of solution instead of compromisses. So that is my 
message to future developments :-)
Well, I want native console mode REBOL to integrate with other console 
mode apps and scripts, and for when I am already in console mode 
and need to do something without switching to a GUI. When I am in 
GUI mode already, the existing console is fine. I need both.
Do we need a "User Interface Style Guide"? It may be part of the 
wikibood. I came to think of it when revising some of my scripts. 
I often program the key "Q" to be used to quit my scripts. But maybe 
it should be <ctrl>-q to quit, like it is with AltME!? Then I thought 
about, if anyone of you has made a style guide regarding user interfaces 
in REBOL? REBOL/View is made for different platforms, each with their 
own style guides. Should we stick to those guides, so our scripts 
have to use different keyboard shortcuts on different platforms? 
No, probably not! A REBOL script should work the same across all 
platforms, I think. Then we need a "User Interface Style Guide", 
so us developers can stick to the standard when developing REBOL 
applications, shouldn't we?
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
I find myself changing the mindset with REBOL every few years, because 
for a long time I was afraid of for example, using PARSE. PARSE is 
so central and important that it can change the way you work with 
REBOL, if you have stayed away from it. I had the same experience 
when starting to use the SDK and when starting to do networking stuff 
in REBOL to let scripts communicate with eachother.

It's not just a new set of ideas that turn up that lets me add to 
existing scripts, but doing the same scripts in entirely different 
ways. I feel I know about 30-40% of REBOL. :-) It's so damn deep.
Perspectives of a newbie! By Steve Thornton (SteveT)

Hi! everyone, as someone brand new to REBOL I've been asked to log 
a journal
describing my experiences using REBOL. 

I think the first thing to get out of the way is to tell you where 
I'm coming

to REBOL from. I've programmed on and off for over twenty years starting 

Clipper 5 (dBaseII), Visual Basic (Access), C# (SQL Server), Java(NetBeans 

JavaDB). I've worked in a variety contract/freelance work. I earn 
approx half 

my income form 'Thornton Software' and I work for Iris Software Group 

as a training consultant (training accountants :-\ someone has to 
do it!)

I can hear some of you saying 'Ahh! he's an IDE wimp - real men/women 

from scratch'. It was strange - every language I've used had an IDE 
and I

was a bit put off having to go find myself an editor. Until something 

find's me I'm using the freebie 'CREdit' as recommended by Sunanda. 

The easiest way to edit/test the scripts is to open an explorer window 

the side of the CREdit window showing my scripts folder. I can then 
drag a .r 

file onto the CEdit screen and it opens it. To run the script I double-click
it in the explorer window.

The help and documentation available is better than I have previously

experienced. Some of the components I've been wow'ed by so far is 

List-View and RebDb from Dobeash. I've looked at RebGUI and for the 
time being 

I would prefer not to use anything on top of VID, I need to learn 
pure VID before
using anything else.

REBOL Cookbook of examples is a useful place to start. Some more 
form oriented 

examples would be cool. Example 014 - 'Open two windows'  and Example 
10 - 'Simple text
form window' are both useful

The Event Handling guide is a good resource for programmers moving 
from Visual
Studio etc..

That's more than enough to be going on with, next time I'll cover 
my experiences 
with VID, FACES and handling Events.

Bye for now.
Steve Thornton
Perspectives of a newbie! By Steve Thornton (SteveT) 

In your first steps in using REBOL (If your like me) you'll go and 
have a look

at other peoples scripts - luckily the REBOL Viewtop is full of them. 

One thing that stumped me to begin with was that each developer differed

slightly in how they setup their 'Layout' or 'Views' this is because 
there is

a degree of flexibility that covers different situations. You can 
call a view 

and a layout all in one go, or you can make a layout seperately and 
then call 

it when executing the view. While I quickly understood this, I like 
to follow 

'best practice' when creating the initial framework of my application.

It would be a great help if a diagram was available showing where 
to place 

things. For example I went wrong by trying to place view options/effects 

inside the layout structure, When you look at some of the one/two 
line examples
it looks as if you can do that.

Another (maybe foolish) question please.

I am trying to use this script to help me understand the use of parsing 

to extract data from files. If I paste the script into my REBOL/View 
console it pastes in the script ok, but the examples do not work.

This seems very common with a lot of the scripts in this library 
and is a problem I have been fighting with for several days.

This is what I get.
>> ini: parse-ini-file %/c/windows/win.ini
** Script Error: Out of range or past end
** Where: parse-ini-file
** Near: append last current-section parsed-line/1

Am I pasting the script & examples to the wrong type of console or 

I feel it must be something I am doing as so few of the example scripts 
work for me.

Thanks, /\/\
Yeah, R2 isn't great for creating "slick" interfaces without the 
use of graphics. Use can draw text with anti-alias, but most scripts 
just do things the easy way.

The pencil icon is handy as well, so you can use ctrl+s to send. 
I imagine you've already done that, but for others listening in...
I think the point there was that you have an open console, and then 
DO those scripts from that console. That has the intended effect.
>> do http://www.rebol.org/library/scripts/helloworld.r
connecting to: www.rebol.org
Script: "Great Computer Language Shootout : hello" (27-Sep-2005)
hello world
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
2, 3 tips 
I know that Brian is great contributor but I think sometimes 
it tends to reject a bit too easily ideas of others. 
Why I am saying this, is that I am not always convinced by his 
arguments but he acts as if the issue was resolved in advance. 
(I may have a problem with that) 

About who is credited with what, I think that this is not 

important too, however it was a bit of supris seeing the name of 
Brian on 
most of the ideas, then as I said previously, this makes 

many years that these Improvements have been suggested by different 

Obviously this is not an important step, but Brian, you puting your 

everywhere pretexting you collect ideas is a little ... how to say 
that ?

Personally, I am a large user of parsing. 
I think this is the most important function in Rebol. 
You can do practically everything with it.
Design dialects, interfaces, and many others things. 

Parse can build programs by clearly showing the data structures your 
are dealing with. 
Thus our scripts win in readability. 

During all these years, I was very frustrated seeing some limitations. 

I thought, oh my God, if only we could do this simply, REBOL would 
be so powerful. 

My view is that parse should be extended (as far as possible) to 
gain in expressiveness.

One thing I don't like with parse, is the cumbersome process to pass 
parameters to functions. 

I give an example. 
usually we do: [copy parm my-rule (my-func parm)] 

If parse knew recognize when to call a function we could write: 
	[Myfunc my-rule] 

This would be much more compact and expressive. 

More, we could use return value of myfunc to guess if the parsing 
should continue or not. 

This development would discard most of proposals that were made because 
we could add many new commands very easily. 
Guys, i think your opinion about NOT is a little harsh.

In the case of complementing  a charset, you just have to SKIP after 
the NOT rule.
In the other cases, not advancing is of better use. 

At least that's what I see while rewriting some scripts as I do now.
Do we have a list of PARSE changes that are no longer compatible 
with R2? I think that would be important in porting parse scripts 
from R2 to R3.
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
I have a looming project with Glad where this can be deployed. I'll 
be doing some extended load testing next week to see how our services 
run and verify the server's stability. These days a lot of software 
gets used for years and never makes it to 1.0. I'm running REBOL 
scripts, sqlite and Cheyenne. We'll also be using another third-part 
y so library for PLC communications.

Kaj, do you feel confident in Syllable Server's present state to 
run this kind of workload. I'm just looking for a personal opinion, 
of course. The ultimate decision and responsibility is mine. From 
the customer's perspective, our product is an embedded system running 
a custom version of Linux.
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Which leads me to the next question: How do you handle Rebol scripts 
that are used on Windows and Linux regarding returns? Do you just 
use the LF or CRLF or CR (OSX)?
by handling, do you mean running? because rebol on linux would not 
have any trouble running scripts written in windows notepad.
The launch environments are different in that the shebang path is 
used by the shell to know what to do with the script. You can also 
run a REBOL script in the linux terminal with: rebol -qs script.r 
and it will be the same script as under Windows. It might look a 
little ugly, but you could wrap your windows REBOL scripts in a shebang 
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Louis -- a couple of pointers about uploading files to a server using 
a slow FTP connection:

(I do it myself with REBOL.org -- most of the development takes place 
on my machine and is uploaded to RO via a 56K modem, so this is based 
on real experience.)

-- If you are uploading a large live file, that file will be available 
and/or "broken" during the course of the upload. Best to upload with 
a temporary file name, and then rename when uploaded.

-- That won't work with CGI scripts under Apache/UNIX as the rename 
won't leave them with the right file permissions to execute. But 
it will work for all other files, including scripts that are DOne 
by your CGIs.

-- We have a checksums file that the uploader uses.  Before uploading 
a file, it checks the file's upload checksum. That way, we only ever 
upload new or changed files.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
I would like your permission to publish some of the groups here on 
R3 to the web site. See:

The only groups that will be published will be those that have descriptions 
that contain the string [web-public].

If I do not hear any objections (post them to "Carl Only" group), 
I will fire up the scripts and get this started.
HTTP Tools. A small script containing a few functions to read the 
HTTP header of a webserver. It doesn't do much, but the main purpose 
is to determine which scripting language is used on a specific webserver. 
I use it to upload ASP and PHP scripts to various webservers, without 
having the user needing to know the scripting language in advance. 
It's not very strong yet and some servers will not reveal this information, 
but I hope it can be built into a reliable tool for determining scriping 
language over time.



>> server-type http://rebol.com
== "Apache"
>> x-power-type http://www.hmkdesign.dk
== "php"
>> x-power-type http://www.microsoft.com
== "asp"
INCLUDE is very nice. What I think it still missing from the wiki 
are cons about the lower level alternatives with regard to higher 
level "standards". e.g. with LOAD and custom scripts you can do anything, 
sure, but there is no standard model, so each system is ad hoc.
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
they already do. you can do all this the same way in R2 by going 
to the console and typing:

do http://www.somewhere.com/script.r

the browser will just present the scripts a little differently.
Having the same problem with scripts...mysql-protocol.r

** Access Error: Cannot open /C/Documents and Settings/Alan/Desktop/mysql-protocol.r
** Near: do %mysql-protocol.r
db_IP: mysql://Alan:[Stynki4-:-onfire-:-selfip-:-com]:3306/onfire
Yes, I never do that Henrik. I've used a number of systems over the 
years (I think I posted my enlist script on rebol.org), and now generally 
use build and encap scripts, with Ladislav's INCLUDE as the foundation. 
In the encap script I include all the reshacker stuff to set the 
icon and version info.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
Do you have published the build-script that creates rebgui.r?


;	combine source scripts
do/args %prerebol.r [%rebgui-ctx.r %tmp.r]
;	remove header
save/header %tmp.r load %tmp.r []
;	remove indentation
do/args %prerebol.r [%tmp.r %rebgui.r]
delete %tmp.r
;	remove newlines and surplus spaces
gui: trim/lines read %rebgui.r
;	compact block delimiters
replace/all gui "[ " "["
replace/all gui " ]" "]"
replace/all gui " [" "["
replace/all gui "] " "]"
;	compact expression delimiters
replace/all gui "( " "("
replace/all gui " )" ")"
;	final write
write %rebgui.r gui
Yes, once you do an "SVN Checkout" the folders and files are displayed 
with a green tick. Editing a file causes it (and the folder it appears 
in) to be displayed with a red changed icon. Right clicking the root 
folder, RebGUI in my case, and selecting "SVN Commit" prompts for 
which changed scripts (and a comment) you wish to save back. Pretty 
straight forward once you've done it.
well, you can always state anything. Being a developer's tool does 
not tell anything how ppl are using Rebol to develop. I am not comfort 
with idea of installation, simple as that. I never use double-click 
to launch my scripts and never will do, untill we get one exe and 
components (file associations issue). And noone should explicitly 
tell, how do I use any tool.
Gordon, the demo directory and scripts (bubble-menu, list-view & 
triggers) were part of earlier releases. The directory was removed 
when the source was migrated to SVN, and all non-stable widgets (including 
list-view, bubble-menu and a few others) were removed. There is no 
need to "do %rebgui-widgets.r" as this is included directly in the 
new merged %rebgui.r script (and invoked from %rebgui-ctx.r if you 
run from the SVN source direct). LIST-VIEW is an important widget 
which we are hoping Henrik will be able to port to RebGUI from the 
excellent work he has done on this already.
I think we drift to far away

 ... depends on the extent to which you have changed/enhanced core 
 RebGUI functionality (e.g. rebgui-*.r scripts). If most of your changes 
 are isolated to new/enhanced widgets then there is really no drift; 
 you can plug your widgets into the standard RebGUI engine and it 
 will all work. If you want to keep your changes in sync then I suggest 
 2 simple practices:

 1) If you need a version of a standard widget (e.g. radio-group) 
 to do things that are app or design philosophy specific then create 
 your own widget instance and suffix it with an identifier, say XP 
 for XPeers in your case (e.g. radio-groupXP). Suffixes are preferred 
 over prefixes as the alphabetical sort order of the widgets determines 
 their load order which may affect dependencies ... see text.r and 
 label.r for examples of this.

 2) Only keep and maintain a divergent Widgets directory ensuring 
 that your widgets continue to work with the standard RebGUI engine 
 (i.e. rebgui-*.r scripts). If you need the base engine enhanced (e.g. 
 to support tool-tips or proportional resizing) then let's isolate 
 those changes and get them into the base distribution.

You should be able to create and maintain your own widgets without 
worrying about divergence as most of the design effort should be 
going into the functionality of the widget(s) themselves. If your 
widget needs specific changes/enhancements to the base engine then 
we need to sync those changes at the point you need them. Trying 
to retrofit these after the event, and after multiple divergent engine 
changes, is going to cause problems as you've discovered.

From my end, the 3 major changes you should probably try and work 
back into your fork are:

	1) UI settings: mostly confined to rebgui-ctx.r

 2) rebind func added to all widgets prior to init and rebgui-widgets.r 

 3) tab-panel rewritten to operate significantly more efficiently 
 (tab-panel.r and associated rebgui-edit.r changes)
was it deliberate decision to remove the functions tab from tour.r

 Yes, RebDOC now covers the same ground. My goal is to pull the content 
 across from %tour.r into RebDOC and then obsolete it (%tour.r that 
 is). In RebDOC the examples will become stand-alone scripts.

RebGUI Core

 ... I like it, and it means we can distinguish general RebGUI app 
 issues from RebGUI Core issues (e.g. keyboard navigation is a core 
 issue, lack of a domain specific "bells & whistle" widget a RebGUI 
 app issue). For me the line is quite simple: if it is an issue that 
 can be fixed by creating a new widget (either from scratch or based 
 on an existing one) then it is probably an app issue; if it is an 
 issue that effects most if not all widgets and / or the fix is to 
 the RebGUI engine itself (e.g. a %rebgui-* script) then it is probably 
 a core issue.

request-dir function has lost the 

home" button" ... yep. The old request-dir function was dynamic and 
only read dirs as needed. The new one, due to the "static" nature 
of tree, pre-reads all dirs. It's also lost the "make dir" button. 
These features maybe important to us as developers, but if users 
need to navigate the entire file system or create dirs to use an 
app then the native request-file is probably a better choice. The 
[new] request-dir is really intended for the simple "which of these 
directories or sub-directories do you want to use" case, and assumes 
the developer will use the /path refinement to start in the relevant 
directory. These changes were requested by one of my clients who 
didn't want their staff "seeing stuff they shouldn't and creating 
directories everywhere".

neat scroll-panel now means I can have enormously wide tab-panels

 ... I had that in mind when I created it! Note that the horizontal 
 and vertical sliders only appear as needed and the space they occupy 
 is given back to the child widget. Also note that the button on the 
 extreme bottom right of scroll-panel toggles between "home" and "end".
re: RebGUI and R3/VID. I'll probably put something up on my website 
on this topic as I get asked this quite a lot. Basic thinking at 
this stage is:

	I need to create SDK GUI apps for Windows and OSX
	R2/RebGUI is the only practical alternative at present for *me*
	I'd love to use R3/VID to create SDK GUI apps today
	This probably won't be possible for quite some time

 If and when this *is* possible I'll port all my apps over to R3/VID

 To do this I'll either create a compatibility layer that lets RebGUI 
 apps run on R3/VID, or

 Write a conversion script that tries to convert (if possible) RebGUI 
 scripts to R3/VID

 I'd hope R3/VID is complete enough that it doesn't require any of 
 RebGUI's basic widgets!
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
Brett, I also grokked Gregg's "turtle" hunting metaphor.  Already 
I have filled more than a page of inspirations from it.  Here is 
a sampling of  my found design patterns, mostly in REBOL which are 
powerful "turtles" which are concrete examples of what Gregg said:

1. View console where a user can type VID/View lines, and hit return 
to see what they do.

2. Using print statements to the console from a View script to understand 
it (so easy to do protytping)

3. Parts of layout.r IDE with Nubs, and you generate scripts (which 
are human readible) from the GUI.
4. The source and help systems built-in to REBOL

5. Arexx for Inter-App-Messaging (I listened intently to Gab's Reb/Services 
talk saying "Arexx of the X-Internet")
6. awk file parsing. (I know Gregg wrote rawk.r a while back)

... "Turtle hunting" challenges us to develop more of these.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
kib2, you'll find that many scripts come wrapped in contexts. this 
is the best we can do until R3 brings us modules. contexts are not 
waterproof, though.
In R2 DO of a block or string didn't require (or use) the header, 
but DO of a script does. In R3 it's the same for DO of a block, but 
strings are treated like scripts now, and the header is optional, 
unless you need information in it. So DO script has a 'rebol keyword, 
but DO block doesn't. And DO block is what we think of as being the 
DO dialect.
@shadwolf  Perhaps it's a pain to submit a script to rebol.org cause 
you have to exactly properly stupidly and exactly submit the header 
!!, but if you kindly do that you can share your good scripts with 
others who can learn from them (this is Rebol school ;) ) and more 
progress in rebol will be done. Better not hope in others to follow 
our advices (or answer our questions)
Group: rebcode ... Rebcode discussion [web-public]

I am trying to convert a 300+ MB file from little-endian 16-bit Unicode 
to UTF-8. I am pretty sure that all the characters in this file are 
ASCII characters, so I can just discard the second byte (0x00) of 
every 16-bit Unicode character. Beside that, the beginning 2 bytes 
(0xFFFE) need to be discard too. 

In these two days, I wrote REBOL scripts for this purpose in different 
ways, and I suffered in different ways, too. Sometime I got out-of-memory 
error, sometimes I didn't. Even if I didn't get any error, the performance 
would definitely dramatically dropped down after few minutes because 
of the memory issue, I guess. I would take me 30 minutes to convert 
the file in my PC. I was trying to make it less than 10 minutes, 
so I kept asking stupid questions in the AtlME REBOL3 World.


Few ours ago, REBCODE came to my mind out of the blue. I remembered 
Carl said something like 10-30 faster. Because I am no REBOL expert, 
I'd never used REBCODE before. I took 1-2 hours to read the REBCODE 
document, then I do my very first REBCODE code in my life. Guess 
what? It turned out very well. The REBCODE version took only 45 seconds. 
ok - different pov - do you expect current VID scripts to run with 
View 1.3? Will you "emulate" face aproach, etc.?
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
Ladislav;  I can't give you much of a 'technical' report, but I tried 
to break the

include sequences and failed.  I'm starting to feel the power of 
this.  I like the fact that
scripts can end with 
context [#include %libfuncs.r]
to let endusers pick their own name with
mycon: do %libouts.r

after an include/link   Very nice.  An easy grok, and I'll say I 
"get it" already and

won't have to read your docs over and over to actually use it.   
(Well except maybe

to refresh the #do [[  and (#do [false]) tricks, if I don't use them 
soon.)  This really needs

to be promoted.  Here's hoping the DevCon talk gets this into the 
That would be nice (especially for us if you were to do so, given 
what you have written so far). Still, you should write to the strengths 
of the tool. I actually come pretty close right now - Much of the 
code I write in other languages is actually generated by REBOL scripts, 
something I would never dream of doing in Java.
Sikuli is intersting.... reminds me of a thing on the Amiga called 
Madala... where you could write scripts as I recall that were visual, 
to do actions based on what it found under hot points.

You could for example select a region, it would use a simple OCR 
to read that region, and then, if let's say a word or number was 
reached, like let's say a counter that you knew was sending 10,000 
files reached 9,900, you could have it play a sound, so you could 
know it was done....

Would prefer a better version where you can simply pipe all text 
or widgets to other places.  Wouldn't it be cool if you could "pull" 
like a sticker a widget from one place (an application or even website) 
and "stick it" on some other place, like your dashboard or toolbar 
somewhere else?.

Is there really any reason I should not be able to take some group 
here in AltME, pull it "Tech News" over to my Googl page, which I 
look at a lot, and when somoene posts here, I see it turn red "there".
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
I found learning rebol very easy because of it is just about words 
if you know 50 words you can write script if you know 200 you do 
it better. All those namespaces, dictionaries, classes ,trees or 
whatever does not help in writing programms and you need to remember 
more things. Using rebol is like using foreign language. Rebol has 
contexts and dialects for changing meaning of word. Maybe every script 
should work in its own context from default? I notice that many scripts 
are written in that way with use of 'set to put something to global 
context. And to be practical I use editor with syntax highlighting 
so every word from global context (set only) are blue so i can easly 
see if I redefine global word - after all it's just warning like 
in any language
geomol and others...  INC with lit-words is seriously flawed in actual 
use ... a: inc a  ?? what's the point of it...

lit-words are not word values they are labels, they are not usable 
unless the word exists "somewhere else"  its not THE a you are evaluating 
but AN a somewhere... which is why this is as alien to rebol as anywhere 

if all series can change values "in-place" like append... why not 
allow this for scalars (and others) too?  its already an integral 
part of REBOL ... I don't see the "confusion" in   INC a   changing 
THE a... its exactly like  append a, but for another type... hell, 
I've wanted in-place editing for many things which aren't series 
and it would speed up code, just like not having to copy series all 
the time like python. 

ADD-TO a 10

when you do INC 'a  you HAVE to declare 'A somewhere else... which 
is not in rebol's philosphy.  this is completely different thinking 
to rebol... its much closer to C style... where you expect a to exist 
somewhere...    the lit word syntax, just cause a big confusion within 
the normal chain of rebol coding IMHO its not simple, and certainly 
not obvious... most newbies don't even get what a lit-word is.  just 
like SET which is used only (usually) to implement other tricks in 
the language... we shouldn't be using SET in normal code.  INC is 
not a trick word... its something I'd be using in many scripts, unlike 
SET which I seldom need to.  

just giving my view on this topic.  ;-)
all my scripts start with a rebol header.... do won't execute them 
otherwise :)
I understand, that REBOL3 won't be 100% compatible with earlier versions, 
so some scripts will eventually crash. I also understand the reasons 
for this decision, the urge to get everything as 'right' as possible, 
that the language concept for REBOL is so inventing as it is, etc. 
But for larger projects, developers making libraries etc., this is 
not a good thing. Are there any plans around this problem for the 
future? Maybe compatibility modules is a possibility? Or will that 
be very hard to do, because it might lead to a mixture of old and 
new code?
brian, I'd start adapting simple scripts from R2 to R3. Do that by 
adding multithreading, adapting to async HTTP, etc.
Izkata I agree about readability.  A symbol may suffer abusive 'coding' 
practice if it ends up being last-expression and not just last-console-expression 
and then people do use the feature in scripts.
UTF-8 is a strict extention of ASCII, but ASCII is only defined between 
0 and 127. Characters 128+ are not ASCII, they are extensions, and 
their meaning depends on the codepage. The codepage of an 8-bit string 
is unknown, unless you specify it externally (or do a lot of statistical 
calculations). Strings or scripts with characters extended by a codepage 
will have to be translated by a codepage-to-utf-8 function or process 
specific to the particular codepage, ahead of time. Fortunately, 
such a process can be fast and even implemented in a byte-oriented 
language easily.
The browser as the launch platform for applications has always been 
an interesting idea. The fundamental problem of the sheer complexity 
of it can be solved with R3. If done right, it can completely wipe 
the floor with browsers and AJAX. I think the problem is that we 
haven't been speaking in a language that people can understand, such 
as "browser", "web2.0" and "webserver", but instead "dialects", "VID", 
"Viewtop" and "X Internet" and people go "huh?".

Some things I believe are needed to do this right:

- Browser form factor. People are used to browsers, not Viewtops. 
What's always the first thing a complete newbie computer user uses, 
when wanting to do anything on the internet? A webbrowser. I don't 
want a desktop inside my desktop. There are tens of solutions for 
such things and they are almost all forgotten. Carl is doing the 
REBOL browser. When you fire up R3, you will get what looks like 
a webbrowser and acts like one. The concept has to work equally well 
for people like us, as well as 5-year-olds and 95-year-olds.

- Do apps that are similar to webapps, like GMail. That's a quick 
way to compare. Don't you think a 50k GMail look-a-like inside a 
REBOL browser running at native speeds would be _slightly_ impressive? 
Remember to say that you can serve 5 times more users with the same 
bandwidth. REBOL can help make raw numbers look better without much 
effort. Google would have to use it as a content platform. They have 
no other choice. :-) Chrome? What's that?

- Plugins suddenly are very flexible. You don't have plugins as in 
Firefox, but helper scripts that can enhance/change your browsing 
experience. 15k full screen document reader that prettifies plain 
text files? Sure thing. Blog posts presented in that would be much 
nicer to read. Out goes the PDF reader.

- Do apps that are completely out of the league of AJAX, such as 
multithreaded P2P systems. In fact, why not build P2P capabilities 
right in? Have different instances of the browser allow users to 
connect and chat, when they are visiting the same "Rebsite". It's 
sort of like going into a physical store and chatting with the other 
customers and you decide to exchange business cards. Initial contact 
without needing email. Do the same thing with chat support for an 
article that you bought at that  "rebsite". Current websites are 
almost completely anonymous. You don't feel you are entering a live 
community. Coded in REBOL/Services.

- Webpages are now REBOL scripts. In R3, scripts can be closed and 
encrypted, so you can't read the source and you can sell scripts 
and have them signed. The best you can do right now is some kind 
of code obfuscation.

- Windows, MacOSX and Linux version.

- "A webbrowser that directly supports OpenGL without obscure/limited 
3rd party plugins." Say that again in your head.

- It's very important that the public get to see that creating REBOL 
scripts for the browser is very similar to creating plain HTML pages. 
REBOL scripts can be served off a plain webserver. All the infrastructure 
is already there. Or how about serving scripts from the browser itself? 
AltME can both be a client and a server. It's that P2P thing again.

- Browser would run wherever R3 runs.

- Market it as Web 4.0. Market it as a direct competition to current 

- Browser would be a 500-600 kb downloadable exe that starts immediately 
without installation. From deciding to get it, to be using it to 
browse "Rebpages", it should not take more than 30-45 seconds.

- We need AltME in that browser (Altissimo?) as well as QTask.

For developers:

- It's easy to create an HTML file in notepad and display it in your 
favourite browser. It's going to be equally easy to create a REBOL 
script in notepad and see it running in your REBOL browser. A 5-year-old 
who has just learned to type, should be able to create a script and 
display it.

- One language for everything.

- Everything is free. You can start out with notepad. The barrier 
for creating content is about as low as it can get.

- You wanna code slow web 2.0 apps or fast web 4.0 apps? Hard choice, 
I know.
I think we should wrap some services. Do you remember few scripts, 
wrapping SlashDot? What about wrapping Google mail? And then showing 
the source code of VID? I think it could cause some jaws drops, how 
small the source can be. Then we could encap it, and provide it as 
a Flash app. It could be downloaded in millions. And Google might 
get interested. They imo need something against Flash/Silverlight, 
and there is not third technology to the game but REBOL imo ...
Code example:

do %load-gui.r

files: read %*.r

view/options [
	tight [
		text-list files do [set-face ca read-string pick files value]
	ca: code-area
	title: "REBOL Scripts"
	columns: 0


[unknown: 5]:
Does anyone know if REBOL3 will include REBCODE functionality?  If 
not, then it would be cool if we could DO rebcode from a REBOL3 script 
somehow.  Such as DO %rebcode.bin to give us the functions of REBCODE 
to use in our scripts.
i make a proposal:

Most of the times, we use the same rules several times on different 
reword should be able to not reconstruct the rules if so.

I used the similiar tricks in some scripts, for example:

map-chars: func [
	{replace/all pair chars in a string}
	data [string!] values [block!]
	/local chars pos

 ;** if the first value in values is a bitset, do not reconstruct 
 the bitset
	unless bitset? chars: first values [
		chars: make bitset! 256
		forskip array 2 [append chars array/1]
		insert values chars
	pos: data
	values: next values

 while [pos: find pos chars][pos: change/part pos select/skip values 
 first pos 2 1]

data: "Hello You"
map-chars copy data values: [#"s" "SS" #"t" #"T"] 
;** the second call is faster
map-chars copy data values
Ok, good enough.  I think that will work.  I'll modify some of my 
scripts to use that method and then do some benchmarks...
I have thought of using user.r or Rebol.r as a way to run a script 
to log my execution of scripts, although I have not done so.  I tend 
to think of those two items as a "hook" where I can execute my own 
generic code for whatever purpose needed.  I have often thought of 
having either Rebol.r or User.r enforce protect on system words and 
then make sure Rebol.r or User.r is read only, but there may be other 
ways to do this better.  I am still new to rebol.
BrianH: I don't agree to your nor Carl's reasoning towards patches:

1) I use custom patch for URL ftp format, which goes probably anti 
RFC, but is very practical (@, # in username). Putting those things 
into DevBase is nto an option - it would not be accepted

2) As Carl suggested, building custom rebol.exe is not an option 
too, because - I don't want tonnes of various rebol.exes around, 
one adding this thing, another one changing the other thing.

3) This whole thing is not a big deal, I just will have to add do 
%my-init.r into the beginning of each of my scripts, which sucks 
though ...
Actually, the first optimization i do in my scripts which need speed 
and low memory usage, is to remove all the reduce and compose usage.
It's always the first thing i do
Not just for the os shell which has launched rebol, but rebol scripts 
that do other rebol scripts - the DO could be considered like a function 
call, and the DO'ed script could RETURN just as if it was a function.

The attractiveness of the idea is that there is just one function 
(return) to learn which handles the same concept (returning) in different 
REBOL3 cgi scripts don't work on Windows (under Apache or IIS) but 
do run on OSX (under Apache).
Max, maybe i was not clear. If your rebol scripts are latin1 by default, 
while my rebol scripts are utf-8 by default, when i send you a rebol 
script IT WILL NOT WORK in the same way in your machine. the *script*'s 
encoding *must* be a standard everyone agrees on. then, the script 
can do whatever it wants with the data, it's your fault if you make 
it so data cannot be exchanged easily among systems.
One interesting thing about R3 scripts is that they are UTF-8 *binary*, 
not converted strings. A header setting would just require R3 to 
convert the script to string! and then back to UTF-8 binary before 
reading the file. This is why we recommend that people DO [1 + 1] 
instead of DO "1 + 1", because that string needs to be converted 
to binary before it can be parsed.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
REBOL/Plugin includes a function callable from REBOL scripts, do-browser, 
that allows you to execute and retrieve the result of browser script 
code. This script code may manipulate the browser's document object 
model (DOM), giving you the ability to interact with other elements 
in the HTML page.
Btw, if your %tag.r script is required in most of your RSP scripts, 
just DO it once in 'on-session-start (in %app-init.r).
Oldes: Graham is using CALL from RSP scripts to do image processing 
IIRC. I never used CALL from RSP myself, so I can't tell. It seems 
to me that it would be faster/safer to wrap an image processing DLL 
than launching a new process for each new request. Using CALL from 
a RSP is like dropping to CGI, you're loosing most of RSP speed benefits.
In theory, it should be possible to set to none each new webapp variables 
used in RSP scripts by querying the webapp context object. In practice, 
I'm not sure it can be made 100% reliable because you can always 
declare words using SET in global context (which would be much more 
difficult to clean up without breaking the RSP engine). The other 
reason is that, as a side effect, it allows some dynamic code caching 
like this one :
	if not value? 'my-lib-loaded? [
		do %private/my-lib.r
		my-lib-loaded: yes

This can be used when you don't want to pre-load some libs from the 
on-* handler, but load them dynamically, only when needed. So you 
pay the cost of loading only once for each RSP process when the script 
is first called (and you can clean it when no more required by, for 
example, setting the word referring to the lib context to none)
the main job will be to do build a set of tags which provide easy 
.net type form post back handling, without the need to have 15 scripts 
or  excessively complex php-like scripts to properly handle form 
aha, mine is reverse, no stress testing but functionality... I made 
it for webapps but with it you could also do automated testing on 
a sample of scripts and see at any point if all the features work 
.. it is very much in devel still ... I used it for testing site-assistant 
but it's more manual at this point.. I will impove it as one of my 
clients needs it for their app. I hope it will be more edible or 
usable soon, I will show it to you then.
Word capturing => yes, all RSP running inside a webapp are captured 
in the webapp execution context, to avoid global context pollution. 
This doesn't apply to standalone RSP scripts (outside a webapp), 
but that feature could be easily added.

Page inclusion => yes, you can include RSP scripts in RSP. See http://cheyenne-server.org/docs/rsp-api.html#def-21

context injection with 

captured" words on the subpage" => I don't understand precisely what 
you describe here. In Cheyenne/RSP, subpages are captured in the 
webapp unique context, like parent pages, so there's no special treatment 
for subpages. Do you imply exporting just a selected list of words 
from the subpage script to the parent context?
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